vrijdag 27 mei 2011


Posted: april, 2011 11: 57 PM | 4 Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General in 1983 Howard Gardner proposed a theory of ' intelligences ' and show the eight types: geometric logical language, mathematics, music, human body Intrapersonal Naturalistic points of interest about this non-concept. Which is itself a reasonably clearly? Point of interest is the list itself. Those eight specific areas of information system This theory is a simplified version of split into only two intelligence type classical IQ and emotional Intelligence or eq.

In many walks of life, especially related to high level technical skills, such as physics and math programming. some aspects of banking, risk management and derivatives is to find people with very high IQs but low EQs: High IQ. Low EQ information or hiqleq (pronounced hick-leck)

Investment Bank in modern very peculiar techniques. Advanced math and programming skills and at the same time, these bankers are having less interaction with customers. People from a variety of backgrounds with diverse personalities The Bank has become a safe haven. If perhaps there is no breeding ground. For hiqleqs

I enjoy conversations with people who can bring together many diverse subjects and crochet, conversation, fun, fun and illuminating vast and free flowing generally those people with high IQ and eq high, however, hiqleqs seems to feel uncomfortable. When a discussion starts getting lost in an unexpected way or if the parameter is not set to chat satisfaction of their.

In a discussion about research, similarly find that some people ' get it ' and can improvise with the creative ideas, while many others do the opposite course, and seem to stifle any originality, I did not mean they do intentionally or maliciously, but just because they want rules or structure when there is no need for any need or will more clearly. Discussions and surveys should provide oil and do not need to be restricted as a branch of mathematics, rigorous.

When talking about the risk or the idea of the mathematicians in the Investment Bank. I often feel that I'm trying to describe the beauty of the rose is red or the color of the Rainbow that the people who see in black and white only.


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donderdag 26 mei 2011

Political panic and poker

Posted on: 10 June 2010 8: 41 PM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General conservatism has offered the LibDems French reform offices (albeit only on the most sensitive reform version) clearly the startling move, even though they did not wait to get a sense of people's reaction to Brown's earlier speech.

For a long time I've said that bankers should be forced to play poker in order to understand their relationship with the risk and return. Now think politicians should play so that they can appreciate the strength of their hands, and crucially, learn to walk out of the hands play on other Tories have things to learn.

In the classic modern portfolio theory We also learn to weigh the risk and reward expectations. Similar principles apply in political Nick Clegg has to decide between lower risk with a conservative majority as a result seats and high risk by labor for anyone to trust but higher returns expected? Conservatism has released more than they should have also, I only can guess that Clegg has photos of Cameron lost his position.

And nobody knows why this negotiation will happen in public, rather than behind closed doors?

If this is the quality of horse trading. We can expect from the current crop of politicians in England, then God help us when we are haggling with the wider world.


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woensdag 25 mei 2011

Deloitte selects SunGard FastVal

Source: Deloitte, March 22, 2011
Deloitte LLP, a leading global provider of audit, tax, consulting and financial services, has selected Sungard's FastVal, an independent valuation service for vanilla and complex OVER-THE-COUNTER (OTC) derivatives. Deloitte uses FastVal to provide it with an independent valuation service when revaluing customer derivative portfolios.

Fastvals coverage of vanilla and OTC derivatives helps Deloitte value different instruments over clients ' portfolios. FastVal covers the latest innovations in the derivatives market and its flexibility helps Deloitte continue to serve their clients after the business is changing. With Deloitte FastVal has access to the modelling techniques and data used in each individual assessment, provide transparency in the valuation process.

Tom Millar, Director at Deloitte LLP, said, "the Sungard's FastVal will help us produce the independent valuation of derivatives portfolios more effectively. We chose Sungard's FastVal because it satisfies our demands on quality, usability, and breadth of instrument coverage. "

Gavin Lee, chief operating officer of Sungard's FastVal business unit, said, "the Sungard's FastVal will help Deloitte offers a comprehensive service to its clients with a standard valuation process of derivatives. It will also provide greater transparency in the valuation of customer portfolios Deloittes. "

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dinsdag 24 mei 2011

Buy-side firms and end users to stress issues relating to security and liquidity swaps market during the Dodd-Frank

Buy-side firms and end users to stress issues relating to security and liquidity swaps market during the Dodd-Frank

--President Stabenow delivers keynote speech at the forum sponsored by the DTCC, MFA and institutional investors

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--effects of the Dodd-Frank on safety and liquidity of the swaps markets for end-users and buy-side firms continues to be a subject of hot debate that more than 100 representatives from the communities ' financial and legal areas of concern and possible solutions in a forum today sponsored by () succeeded medium-AssociationMFA), institutional investors and the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC).

-While the Dodd-Frank is intended to protect the economy and the OTC-derivatmarknader and make their hedging set markets more transparent and liquid, there is concern within the industry over the potential unintended consequences of the new rules, says Michael Bodson, DTCC's chief operating officer, opened the Conference. "This forum will identify key issues and describe possible elements of resolutions so that the rule makers and legislators have input and feedback that they need when they go ahead with implementing Dodd-Frank."

"We appreciated the opportunity for market participants and policy-makers to continue the dialogue on the central clearing and openness, which strongly supports both MFA because of their important role in reducing systematic, operational and counterparty risk for hedge funds and institutional investors," said Richard Baker, president and CEO for the managed funds Association.

"Our derivatives markets are playing important roles in helping organizations manage commercial risks, gain access to financing and effectively deploy capital. Discussions that today's help market participants and policy-makers both considers the potential for unintended consequences which we all aspire to have markets that are liquid and safe, providing a level playing field for all participants, and supported by prudent regulation, "said John Gidman of Loomis Sayles & Company and Chairman of the Association of institutional investors.

The Conference's keynote address was given by Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Chairman of the u.s. Senate Committee on agriculture, nutrition and forestry. The Committee is responsible to verify the implementation of the Dodd-Frank and, in particular, title VII, which renews the framework for the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market.

Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT), a member of the House Committee on financial services, including comments delivered during Forum and participated in a Q&A session with the audience.

In addition, the event featured two panel discussions that included representatives from the laws, regulations and administrative staffs in charge of the Dodd-Frank, as well as leading representatives from asset managers, hedge funds, Government sponsored entities and corporate end users from trading, hedging, risk management, legal and compliance and operational areas. The panels focused on how
Before and after trade rules as a result of new trading and clearing rules affect liquidity and risk of inadvertent disclosure. Companies manage changes in security and the default for both centrally cleared and bilateral derivatives.

Openness to mitigate systemic risk

During his initial comments reinforced Bodson that the key to mitigating systemic risk in the swaps market lies in giving regulators open access to extensive market information. He noted the importance of having all underlying position data into a single, central swaps data repository (SDR) to ensure that all corporate positions can be seen from a central point of vantage.

Bodson drew attention to the role of DTCC's Trade Information Warehouse (TUI) played in increasing transparency in the default credit swaps (CDS) market during the economic crisis. The location of centralized database and its users cover all the major OTC derivatives dealers and more than 1,800 companies that buy-side and other market participants in more than 50 countries. It has around 2,3 million contract with a gross notional value of $ 29 trillion.

Bodson also stressed that the objective of transparency across the entire OTC derivatmarknaden will require significant cooperation between stakeholders and regulators. He added that a critical variable in TUI's success was that DTCC is not a traditional commercial entity, but rather an industry-regulated utilities, with buy-side firms, companies that sell-side and self-regulatory bodies which the interested parties.

-It was important for all parties to commercial interests have been removed from which all sides agree is — and should continue to be – mainly a regulatory and supervisory authorities support function, "said Bodson.

About DTCC

DTCC, through its subsidiary, clearance, settlement and information services for equities, corporate and municipal bonds, Government and mortgage-backed securities, money market instruments and over-the-counter derivatives. DTCC is also a leading processor of mutual funds and insurance transactions, funds and carriers with their distribution networks. DTCCS depository provides custody and Asset Servicing for more than 3.6 million securities from the United States and 121 other countries and territories, valued at US $ 36.5 billion. 2010 Fast DTCC almost US $ 1,66 quadrillion in securities transactions. DTCC has operating facilities and data centers in multiple locations in the United States and abroad. For more information, visit www.dtcc.com.

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maandag 23 mei 2011

LCH.Into Clearnet's SwapClear FCM Service launches

LCH.Into Clearnet Ltd (LCH.Into Clearnet) SwapClear Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) service was launched yesterday.  U.S. interest rate swap (IRS) clients are now accessing this market leads through one of the 12 FCMs already connected to the service. Six clients have cleared executed OTC IRS trading on SwapClear into a variety of maturities and currencies including USD, EUR and GBP.

The 12 FCMs connected to the service are: Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Barclays Capital. BNP Paribas Securities Corp. Citigroup. Credit Suisse Securities LLC, United States. Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc.; Goldman Sachs And Co.; J.P. Morgan Futures Inc.; Morgan Stanley. Nomura Securities Int'l Inc.; RBS Securities Inc. and UBS Securities, LLC. HSBC Securities United States has also confirmed its intention to accede to the card as an FCM.

Floyd Converse, Director of the United States's sales and marketing, said. "U.S. clients are increasingly focused on how the regulations deriving from the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Bill will affect them.  SwapClear FCM offers the widest range of OTC interest rate swap product scope of any clearing service in the world.  Features such as flexible payment date, flexible LIBOR index, discounting and 14 currencies OIS HELP PANE TOC are not matched by another clearer.  These are available in protection of an FCM framework. regulated by the CFTC and subject to u.s. law.  We will continue to develop and enhance products and services to U.S. clients that the client Purge developed. "

Richard Prager, CEO, BlackRock said. "The time for Swapclear's FCM launch gives us the opportunity to cooperate with them fully prepare the Dodd-Frank.  From a client perspective, SwapClear opportunity to strategically develop its buy-side offering to meet the needs of the buying side, facing the regulatory change, so it is in a position to facilitate the clearing of all market participants in lockstep together. "

U.S. clients will benefit from reduced counterparty risk, standard protection, proved to be the standard project management expertise, portability of client securities and cash positions and Initial margin securities are held exclusively in the United States and in accordance with u.s. law and the commodity Exchange Act (CEA).  Swapclear's U.S. clients can now access to the service broad product range, which covers over 90% of "default Web pages" IRS market, and will be expanded later in the year to cover the USD residents amortizing swaps. SwapClear clears the currently contained in 14 currencies and tenors out to 50 years.

Established more than 11 years ago, is the only truly global SwapClear clearing service of the IRS.  Since the launch in 1999, has cleared over 1.5 million OTC IRS trade, of which about 35% are u.s. dollar denominated.  SwapClear has currently 49 clearing members, including 12 FCMs and his portfolio includes 850 000 business with nominal value exceeding $ 266 billion, down from $ 305 billion as a result of terminating $ 39 trillion cleared IRS operations through ongoing compression.  It is the only OTC Clearing service that has successfully managed a significant OTC standard when it resolved the Lehman Brothers ' $ 9 trillion IRS standard 2008. In this case, Swapclears standard processes to more than 66,000 strokes in five currencies was hedged and auctioned to other clearing members. Swapclears process led to a loss for all market participants.

In June 2010, after extensive industry consultation, LCH.Into Clearnet became the first derivatives clearing house in the world using the overnight index swap (OIS HELP PANE TOC) IRS discount rate curves.  This important step not only seen the highest standards of risk management within the CCP. It has also increased security and transparency in swappmarknad interest more generally.  This type of industry thought leadership recognized by Risk Magazine in naming LCH.Into Clearnet 2011 a Clearing House of the year in its Risk Awards.

LCH.Into Clearnet have been a CFTC-registered derivatives Clearing organization Clearing OTC IRS since 2001 and 2010, cleared over 120,000 business with U.S. counterparts, whose nominal value by more than $ 64 trillion.


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zondag 22 mei 2011

JP Morgan Trader-CD with 6 companies in the spirit of the new rules for Swap

JP Morgan Trader-CD with 6 companies in the spirit of the new rules for replacement of Sean Sprackling on Thu 10 Mar 2010 08: 01 GMT |  Permanent link |  Cosmos, according to Dow Jones newswire JP Morgan has followed Morgan Stanley in announces that it is intra-Dodd Frank swap rules-complete text here

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zaterdag 21 mei 2011

Lombard Risk announces real-time platform for managing security for centrally cleared transactions

Source: Lombard Risk: 17 Mar 2010 10: 28 ET

LONDON--(Marketwire-March 17, 2010)-Lombard Risk Management plc (LSE: LRM) ("Lombard Risk"), a leading provider of integrated collateral management, liquidity management and regulatory alternative solutions for the financial services industry, announced today the release of Colline ® CCP (Central counterparty)--proactive management of collateral for centrally cleared transactions.

The latest version of Colline CCP has evolved to meet the demand for a real-time unified view centrally cleared and bilateral crafts of all kinds of products. Colline CCP real-time platform aggregates and compares the Mark on the market, trade appraisals of central counterparty, main and independent valuation of product types, meet the market needs to understand and optimize capital opportunity at the time of trade.

Helen Bramley, Product Manager, Lombard Risk, explains:

"We developed the Colline CCP close cooperation with the clearing house and customers to deliver a consolidated view of the risks and costs associated with the OTC derivatives and listed transactions. Given the increasing complexity of handling and reporting cleared and uncleared trade populations, understand the credit from a cost perspective becomes a necessity, and once employed a competitive advantage for our customers. Transparency of information is key. "

Colline CCP providing clearing brokers direct Clearing units and financial institutions with calculation, validation, reconciliation, workflow and reporting capacity they need to proactively manage counterparty credit risk and facilitate management and flexible reporting of summary accounts and segregated Commerce populations that develop regulatory regimes worldwide.

John Wisbey, CEO, Lombard Risk, said:

"With the move of over-the-counter derivatives to futures industry infrastructure, marginal costs are expected to increase significantly. Given these increased costs, it is more important than ever to proactively manage assets and move. Colline CCP provides our customers a sophisticated approach to their counterparty risk and the tools to manage this risk in every way required by internal, cleanup and regulatory concerns. "

Colline CCP data management and exception processing tools to be responsive and flexible for those who have to grapple with complex OTC trading properties within existing futures industry frameworks.

Collines powerful margin management and reporting tools can clean up the units of all stripes to implement OTC trading with confidence and built new clients with ease.
Colline CCP: Easy application, heavy features:

Proactive real-time, unified view of the consumer protection Commission and bilateral trade comparison of valuation MTM of CCP, the sponsor and the independent valuation powerful features MTM tolerances-proactively define and validate the CCP vs. principal trade route dedicated CCP Dashboard enhanced, fully automated event-driven workflow by CCP, segregated and pooled accounts, calculate and validate the relationship of exposure and manage up, down and across organizations specific Broker functions-Initial and Variation margin and settlement management and reporting trade search of CCP, the MTM difference and measurement Type Robust, flexible CSA and clear agreement, installation and maintenance of Colline CCP Lombard Risk, collateral management experts

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vrijdag 20 mei 2011

Book review: Boombustology

For those who have read the Aleph for years my Blog, this book will provide little that is new.  However, you receive a set of arguments in an integrated package of slim.

I liked this book.  The author took a broad view of bubbles and developed five lenses through which to analyze:

MicroeconomicsMacroeconomicsPsychologyPoliticsBiological ratios (contagion)

This is the increase in short-term debt, the alignment of long-term incentives, crowd behavior, imitation, agreed with booms, shows the finger during busts, etc.

This book encapsulates the ideas of Keynes, Minsky, Austrian economists, Soros (reflexivity) and others.  The author was very willing to interact with the view of those who may not fully agree with him, and displays all the areas where they agree.

And the author of five lenses tests in five bubbles:

The great bubbleThe Tulip DepressionJapan late 80sThe Asian crisis in the housing crisis 1997The MAS 2006-?

Not surprisingly the crises chosen supports the theory.  It would be interesting to see what the author would like to say about other bubbles, such as the South Sea bubble, the Tech bubble, etc.

And so the author sums up the case, and I think it is not good. But then takes a step further, and effectively saying, "well, there is an obvious bubble to say today?"  And so our China highlights.  Debts, handling, malinvestment, evil motives, etc.  You can read for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

My main verdict for this book is that it provides a solid basis for the evaluation of the bubble.  Can I place the back "Manias, panics and crashes" and "Devil take the Hindmost," but not by much.  Author: great work.


I disagree with the idea that the booms and busts are a phenomenon of the capitalist.  -And-command economies have booms and busts — the great leap forward, it was an explosion followed by a huge bust.  An attempt to plant cotton in the Soviet Union was short-lived, leads to a reduction of yields and the destruction of the ecology of the sea of Aral Sea.  There are more examples of this. at least, capitalism blossoming yields some decent rewards.

Who will benefit from this Book:

Anyone who wants a better understanding of the boom-bust cycle will benefit from this book.  The author has nailed it for me.  This book will help you properly skeptical next unsustainable boom and minimize your exposure to bust once.

If you want to do, you can buy it here: Boombustology: festive period financial bubbles before they burst.

Full disclosure: I asked the Publisher for the book, and sent them to me.

If you enter Amazon through my site, and you can buy anything, I get a small Commission.  This is the main source of income for my blog.  I prefer a "Tip jar" because I want to get anything you want, instead of simply gives me a tip.  Book reviews take time, particularly in reading, which most reviewers, not book fully, and usually do. (If not, mention that I scanned the book.  Also, never use the data we will send the PR flacks.)

Most people buy on Amazon does not enter through a Web page that contains references.  So Amazon creates an extra 1-3% on the prices to all buyers to compensate for supplies given to minority derived through referring sites.  If you can buy on Amazon directly or enter through my site, don't change your values.

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donderdag 19 mei 2011

GlobeOp Hedge Fund Indices offer first independent, time window on liquidity and investor sentiments

GlobeOp financial services (LSE: GO.) will offer an independent monthly window into hedge fund capital flows launch next week, the first in a planned series of GlobeOp hedge fund volume index.

-It is a real lack of independently confirmed industry data against which hedge fund managers and investors can compare their allocations and performance, says Hans hufschmid, Executive Director, GlobeOp financial services. "GlobeOp is the first Manager to publish data on independent Fund's liquidity and investor sentiment. This transparency has been produced by combining our substantial platform of assets under management with our data project management expertise. As listed companies, we regularly report our assets under management (AuA). We also summarize the total figures for subscription, redemption and performance for our customers ' funds. It was therefore a logical next step is to apply the same RIGOR and controls packaging a subset of the data to the consistent and timely index focused on capital movements for administration clients. Later this year, we expect to add additional indexes, including performance measurement. "

The first two indices will provide monthly reports based on actual and projected capital movement data independently collected from all hedge funds clients for whom GlobeOp provides administration.

While individual fund data are anonymized by aggregation, is based on the same registry data is reconciled Fund data GlobeOp used to produce the Fund's net asset value (NAV) reports. Globeops total assets under management represents around eight to ten percent of the estimated assets are currently invested in the hedge fund. The funds in the indices of investment strategies span a representative industry selection.

Eighth business day of each month reporting GlobeOp capital mobility Index for investments or capital movements into and out of hedge funds on GlobeOp administration services platform.

·      Data is based on the actual subscription and independently calculated and confirmed by actual capital movements and published only a few days after they occur

·      GlobeOp capital mobility Index consists of the cumulative monthly deductions for subscription and redemption of hedge funds managed by GlobeOp divided by total assets under management (AuA) for Globeop's administration clients.  The index was set at 100 on December 31, 2005. (See diagram)

·      Data for middle-and back-office administration is also financing the customers clients not in the Index, but is included in the company's results announcement numbers

·      Online data can be divided by a number of gross and monthly flow criteria

·      The first monthly GlobeOp capital mobility Index will be published on April 12, 2011.

the 15th business day of each month will GlobeOp presented redemption indicator report on investor redemption notifications to hedge funds on GlobeOp administration services platform.

·      GlobeOp presented redemption indicator consists of redemption notices from hedge funds managed by GlobeOp, divided by total assets under management (AuA) for Globeop's administration clients

·      Data is based on actual investor redemption requests received.  Investors, and sometimes does, abort the redemption notices. Moreover, it may vary from Fund to fund the establishment and implementation of Exchange messages. Establishing and implementing the redemption notification deadlines may vary from Fund to fund.

·      Data for middle-and back-office administration is also financing the customers clients not in the Index, but is included in the company's results announcement numbers

·      Online data can be divided further by redemption periods, from less than a month to more than three months

·      The first monthly GlobeOp presented redemption indicator will be published on April 21, 2011.

Comment on GlobeOp Hedge Fund Index methodology, Tony glickman, GlobeOp CEO, added, was "the indices positive during the trial of fund managers, asset allocators, fund investors and academics as valuable, independent data points. Because the data is calculated over all our active GlobeOp management customers each month, at the same point in time, and using consistent mathematical methods, eliminated självselektion and self-service reporting systematic for many other indices. In addition, since the data are reported within days of business monthly Close, delay factor in some other indices are eliminated. At the same time protect confidential details about our individual clients, indexes also benefit from the same data processing RIGOR and controls applied we produce regularly portfolio assessments to our customers. This process is included in the Globeops annual ISAE 3402 and SSAE 16 investigations. "

Dr. William fung, visiting research professor in economics, hedge fund Centre, London Business School, said: "Central hedge fund research is the relationship between performance and capital flow.  This relationship is the key to answering important questions as the impact of the liquidity of hedge fund investing and the interplay between capacity and future performance.  Research progress on these important issues have historically been handicapped by the lack of reliable, objective information. I applaud GlobeOp's efforts to create for the objective, reliable source in this area, and look forward to studying GlobeOp capital mobility Index in the near future. "

From 12 April, GlobeOp Hedge Fund Index that will be on www.globeopindex.com, http://funds.us.reuters.com/US/overview.asp or http://funds.uk.reuters.com/UK/overview.asp, or via a link on the home page for www.globeop.com.  Warning and RSS Subscriber options ... available on www.globeop.com. Index Twitter comments: # HFindex.

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woensdag 18 mei 2011

SunGard updates the Adaptive Analytics

Source: SunGard, 05 April 2011

SunGard has released a new version of its risk analytics engine, Adaptive Analytics, which provides better performance to help customers manage the development of credit value adjustment (CVA) and around regulations such as Basel III capital requirements.

Adaptive helps customers correctly calculate the cost of credit so that operators can correct price at the same time maximize new business opportunities. It helps customers quickly and effectively manage the computationally intensive computations for active CVA management and new regulatory stress test requirements. As the credit risk management increases in priority to senior executives, Adaptive also contributes to increased transparency in counterparty credit risk.

Tests show that more than 6 times now performs faster than previous releases of a benchmark portfolio in Adaptive Analytics. This increase in performance means that a calculation will run at the same time with only 16% of the hardware required in the past, to reduce the cost of hardware with expensive simulation calculations. Adaptive Analytics fast and accurate calculations help give customers a more accurate reflection and sharing of their credit risk.

Mat Newman, Director of product management for Adaptive Sungards position, risk and operations company, said, "Adaptive Analytics helps customers manage increased volume and complexity of calculations that are now required to carry out pricing and risk management, such as CVA, risk for incremental loading and the potential future exposure calculations. This innovation is part of our ongoing program optimization technology. "

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REG Arb-they may not have it, but it will

In his speech on Tuesday to euro Pariliament Gary Gensler said: "we must continue to work together to get oversight on the swaps market to help prevent the next crisis. Effective reform cannot be carried out by one nation alone. It will require a comprehensive, international reaction. "

(UN?)Fortunately I do not believe that Europeans are listening (or listen). CFTC to all standardized swaps not only cleared centrally, but also pushed to Exchange. But the comments this week by EU lawmakers at the World Congress for Exchange was reported as saying that they do not want to destroy the existing OTC processes. And indeed, in a rare comment letter from the FSA to CFTC in relation to his idea to reduce the capital requirements for membership, the clearinghouse claims that this "mistake" would increase the risk.

Personally I think the Europeans take a more measured approach with a broader remit. CFTC seems to be rushing through Receptacles and demanding that the rest of the world follow suit. EMIR will take longer and (hopefully) more adapted to the needs of the end-user, than Dodd-Frank. But according to a report on regulatory arbitrage JPM released earlier this month, the real winners will be Swiss ....

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dinsdag 17 mei 2011

Hedge funds upset if naked-CD

Hedge funds upset about naked CDs by Sean Sprackling Wed 09 Mar 2010 16: 08 GMT |  Permanent link |  Cosmos does not come as a surprise, the reaction to ban naked CDs, have been uniformly negative. On Monday voted Economc and Monetary Affairs (see PR here) prohibiting the use of CDs of sovereign debt is detected.

To be fair to the Hedgies-they have a point. By FT in the latest debt crisis in Greece were buyers of Greek debt, not CD-Rs, and the increase in spreads, seemed to have come from the banks ' overexposed instead of hedge funds. In the same way, says a report (unpublished) of the EU on sovereign CDs (as you can see here) the fact that "...The empirical study has been conducted ... gives no conclusive evidence that developments in the CDs market causes higher financing costs ... "

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maandag 16 mei 2011

Edhec-Risk Institute warns against banning naked CDs

Edhec-Risk Institute warns against banning naked CDs by Sean Sprackling Fri 11 Mar 2011 15: 26 GMT |  Permanent link |  Kosmos Institute has written an open letter to the European economic and Monetary Affairs Committee to explain why this is counterproductive. You can read the letter here

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zondag 15 mei 2011

Book review: all the Devils are here

Have you ever seen a complex array of dominoes standing, waiting for the first Domino to hit up, starting a chain reaction will occur where amazing tricks?  I remember seeing things like that many times on "the tonight show with Johnny Carson" back when I was a kid.

When the first dominoes hit during the entire event, do not have time to complete — perhaps in a few minutes at most.  But what do I need to set the dominoes?  Take hours of time, perhaps even a whole day or more.  Often those permission setting tiles a few here and there, so that an accident would only spoil a limited part of what is established.

These standing dominoes is an unstable equilibrium.  This is particularly so in the end, when the tiles are added to remove security from having an accident.

Most books about the focus of the economic crisis in the dominoes falling — is astonishing and upset to watch the disaster unfold, as finally revealed the influence of the system to be viable.

This book is different, that focuses on how the dominoes were created.  How did create the leverage?  How many safety ignored?

The beauty of this book is that we are behind the scenes and describes how they created the conditions that led to a huge new bad debt.  I was small and clumsy child.  My friends would tell me during sports, "there are mistakes, but the error was so great that it required skill."

The same applied to this crisis.  There were many people who have carried their own private advantage, using new financial instruments that were fairly harmless in themselves, but lethal as a group.  So, what were the major economic innovations that enabled the crisis?

Creation of Fannie and Freddie, which led to an over-mortgage Securitization issuance., particularly mortgage loans.  This led to a separation between authors and certificateholders. (And servicers, although the book doesn't go into much servicers.)Having parts covering debt, or GSEs, Guaranty Insurers, the Government or credit default swaps [CDS] Loosening regulations on commercial banks, investment banks and S&Ls. Regulatory arbitrage depositary institutions. Loose monetary policy by the Federal Reserve, together with a disdain for regulating credit.  Seen in Mexico and LTCM as successes, and felt that there was any crisis that could not be resolved with additional liquidity at the Poorly rating agency models., and competition among the rating agencies for obtaining business. regulators required the use of rating agencies for the broad capital modeling.informed, bad assumption that real estate prices can only move upwards. creating value-at-risk, a risk management concept has limited usefulness for the true crisis management creating CDOs. that did not care about much more than performance. the development of synthetic CDOs, which allowed the securitization to apply corporate bonds, MBS and ABS trusts. owns the creation of structures, subprime loan, where he was receiving care were performance. create piggyback loans, so that people could put no money for a House.

There are no heroes in this book, apart from the tragic heroes who warned and was kicked aside the hubris of the era.  Goldman Sachs comes out better than most, because they saw the crisis coming, and to protect themselves from investment banks mot.

I learned a lot reading this book, and I've read a dozen books.  I can't find many other books.  In this book, the authors interviewed hundreds of people who were integral to the crisis, and to read a wide variety of sources previously wrote about the crisis.

I found the book is a riveting read and I read cover to cover.  Could not change the scanning mode. was that well written.

This is the best book on the crisis in my opinion, because it gets you behind the scenes.  You'll learn more from this book than any other on the crisis.


Do not take the trouble to rating agency.  There is pressure to get things right in the cycle, and you receive the right to a timely basis.  These two goals conflict with each other, and stresses that the conflict would have enhanced the book.

Who will benefit from this Book:

Anyone willing to read a longish book, could benefit from this book.  Far is the best book on the crisis.

If you want to do, you can buy it here: all the Devils are here: the hidden history of the economic crisis.

Full disclosure: this book was sent to me, because I asked for this.

If you enter Amazon through my site, and you can buy anything, I get a small Commission.  This is the main source of income for my blog.  I prefer a "Tip jar" because I want to get anything you want, instead of simply gives me a tip.  Book reviews take time, particularly in reading, which most reviewers, not book fully, and usually do. (If not, mention that I scanned the book.  Also, never use the data we will send the PR flacks.)

Most people buy on Amazon does not enter through a Web page that contains references.  So Amazon creates an extra 1-3% on the prices to all buyers to compensate for supplies given to minority derived through referring sites.  If you can buy on Amazon directly or enter through my site, don't change your values.

Accounting, banking, book reviews, Fed policy, security, macroeconomics, portfolio management, quantitative methods, real estate and mortgages, stocks, structured products and derivatives, public policy ||

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zaterdag 14 mei 2011

Who dares oppose an explosion?

I'm in Chicago today giving a talk in which dares to oppose Boom? Here is a copy of my presentation.

The main idea is this: many people who benefit from credit bubbles in the short term, it is impossible to oppose credit bubbles, when they start.  Have political, economic and social support.  The nature of man is to claim free money, either as consumers, entrepreneurs and politicians.  There are people willing to suspend disbelief when times are good.

All for now.  Will write more in the next two days.  Keep in mind, Japan has much larger problems than the quakes and nuclear incidents, which should give you more bullish on Japan. the current problems will fade.

Banks, Fed policy, macroeconomics, real estate and mortgages, structured products and derivatives, public policy ||

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vrijdag 13 mei 2011

Buffett and principles: Enthusiasm. The angry Disbelief to accept.

Posted: june 17, 2009 7: 37 PM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General Disclaimer Anger price depression accepted by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross five stages of dealing with personal tragedy. I don't know if there is something similar. We will go through with the money: If Yes, I think Warren Buffett, the period of anger "If you need to use a computer or calculator allows calculations should not be bought is a view of his investment in the famous main" weapon of mass destruction called "a few years ago. I agree, and I speak as one of the mathematicians working on main: for living.

In my experience. Managed with only four steps and they are: naive enthusiasm as one experiences the sublime of words in one of righteous anger, as one suffers loss, confusion, disbelief, followed by horrendous as one that nobody fully understands the risks in these dastardly realises least of all bankers finally accepted against one admits that these are here. Let's go through these steps one by one While explaining what means that each of the conditions of risk.

Naive enthusiasm is amazing: main: contract. Allows you to finely adjust the investment will benefit from the perspective of the market. Suppose they turn out to be valid. My bank manager was trying to have just sold me back, I promise more than 5% in one year if gold is still in range trading course. In market parlance this is called quanto option Double knockout or can use derivatives to hedge risks from other business activities. If you sell tools to Japan on a regular basis, you will be exposed to the risk of exchange rate US dollar/Yen can design a derivative to minimize those risks for you pretty far.

Righteous anger: who is not angry after trillions dollars that have been forgotten thanks to CDOs, MBSs and other abbreviation? The problem though not itself somewhat: principles: there will be swamped the market for stocks and shares, the remaining Notional principle: all the world over as a quadrillion things you think are not good enough or trillions, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Therefore, instead of to help you manage risk or profit from the perspective of the market: the market close-up has developed so much that words that seem to be just. Allow leverage crazy risk level never seen before, and this step quants risk management to not worrying that we have our mathematical models pinwheel that show true no risk.

Buffett's Charlie Munger is right about higher mathematics in finance "they teach in business school because they have to do something." Now that really hits nail on the head. When your opponent University across the River is charging 50, 60, 70 thousand dollars for a one-year master course on financial engineering. What do you say that you do not have any understanding of Faculty: Hell no, you will receive your smartest mathematicians together and to create a course. Have your way-23 years old? Sorry I mean students to know any better? In 2000 I was warning danger of "student market meltdown" after seeing the LTCM has occurred and how to manage the risks of identikit has churned out the template and how to start the Groupthink was ruled inadmissible evidence: research and valuation. Join me next to Warren Buffett and totally Charlie Munger.

Confusion, disbelief: I'm a great believer in education played a large role in the future: but not the sort of education that we have. I understand Warren Buffett when he said "additional symbols that they cannot work as their own writing more. They were revered. "universities are churning out ' experts ' analysis of several thousand, but the main: sadly they know more about math and symbolic than they do about marketing, but again not the symbol itself is to blame for we yearn to be happy on an airplane designed by using the symbols resemble somewhat lack of attention paid by many academic has the quants analyst worries me, remember that this is a writer, but there is currently little more that for over a decade now.

Accept against: we've blogged in the past about "math sweet spot," the Treasury being dumbed down version, but equally does not exceed the fantastically complex (to impress. I expect to say Buffett) I don't think we can go back in the dark ages before the budget and finance, but believe we desperately need to rethink education types that 23-year is soon to be your pension is less or more mathematical symbols more commonsense and more marketing knowledge.

And in this respect I think I have a few stages before Mr Buffett's.

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woensdag 11 mei 2011

A stable financial system, part I

You have a lot of thinking on the reform of the Bank recently.  Here is the crux of the problem: ordinary deposits are sticky moments, especially when you guarantees of deposits such as the FDIC.  But for some banks, look in other funding in the short term, if it is a short CD or repurchase financing agreements.

Now my lot is asset-liability mismatch.  Banks borrow short and lend long.  This leads to banking panics.  Financing illiquid assets with liquid is unstable and pleading for bankruptcy in the first major loss of confidence.

But there is a greater discrepancy this, and I want to explore.  Each asset is financed with a liability or equity.  And, all liability is another asset, but not vice versa, because assets are owned free and clear is financed by equity.

Assets financed by short-term debt often are mismatched.  Long is rare due to discrepancies in financing costs too high.  Now, if discrepancies are small, short is not a problem.  There is sufficient flexibility in financial balance sheets, to accept small discrepancies.  Real disasters occur when long assets financed in a way that there is a risk that the financing will fail before the assets is rewarded.

The fundamental mismatch debts Fund assets is that the end financed assets is no longer-date from finance.  We fund land, houses, buildings, plant and equipment, and take off of deposits, savings accounts and CDS.  Some companies off of Repo finance financial short-funded.  The reason for this discrepancy is difficult to avoid is that average people are saving want assets that may be used in short-date transactions.  That does not fit well within the long-term assets financing requirement.

The same problem exists in the Municipal bond market.  Much more money to invest in short, while municipalities want to borrow it for a long time.  This leads to a steep yield curve muni.  Commercial insurers writing business, long tail and wealthy who can bear interest rate volatility eventually buy the long end, and lower taxes in the process.

If banks were required to fit around the cash flows for assets not financed by equity will steepen, yield curves for other sectors of the fixed income markets.  Areas of the financial market where there are long/strong balance sheets, such as life insurers, insurance brokers, commerical defined benefit pensions and bequests will receive higher yields for longer commitments.  Banks will become lower ROE operation, and that it would be good, as there are many fewer failures, and there will be fewer banks. We are over-banked.  Time to listeyontas bankers for more productive activities.

Long dated floating-rate loans can be a solution for banks financing loans off short-dated loans or, with interest rate swaps in order to achieve the same result.  The danger is that a bank lock in what proved to be a low spread on the asset, while the cost of financing is volatile.

A few final notes: 1) the standard of asset and liability cash flows matching in General should apply to all regulated financial institutions, including investment banks.  Only surplus assets that do not need to match liabilities can be used for investments in equity-like risks. 2) there must be an unpacking complex vehicles with on-board lever to manage it assets-liability.  As examples:

SecuritizationsRepo FundingPrivate EquityHedge FundsMargin loansSIVs and similar

should be expressed as looking through the evidence ultimately financed.  For example, the portion of a securitisation Senior AAA-sub is long loans and sold the rest of the share certificates.

Repo finance has its own issues.  In the event of a crisis, cuts increased as asset prices fall.  Institutions based on funding often fails in these hours and leaves damage for the creditor repurchase agreements.  There should be something that reflected the risk of market failure of repurchase agreements, although the grand majority of debtor's losses go, not the lender.

3) even in the short term loans, quick loans not fully amortize, should be reflected as loans that are no longer-date, because of the risk of higher rates, and it is not possible to refinancing.

I must say, but it is to hit the post now.  Comments are welcome.

Accounting, banking, bonds, insurance, portfolio management, real estate and mortgages, structured products and derivatives, public policy ||

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dinsdag 10 mei 2011

Valuation and risk management

Posted at: july 1, 2009 10: 53 AM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General valuation and risk management of the two sides must hold with the quant business as a beautiful interface. Respect equal and with equal suspicion and requires close interaction between them.

In the study of valuation should not be the domain of abstract of mathematicians with the risk management of partners that make. In practice must not create quants replicas that do not understand risk management.

At every stage of the valuation and development models. You must be able to ask questions about the risks and the danger it reliability with some fancy version and start asking questions about errors only to model after. Anyone ever have to calibrate the model, determine how to reduce the risk of a version almost as an afterthought and not consistent with the original version of totally. This is not necessarily the case.

In our store for CQF and risk management is equal to the structure of an unashamedly mathematical CQF. Module by module we add mathematical and flexibility in each lecture you will see the risk model and stability of the model along with the theory of valuation. This is about financial ought to be teaching here is how the adults find and it will help resolve the conflict between the theory and practice.


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maandag 9 mei 2011

Misys Completes Acquisition of Sophis create no. 1 capital markets solution provider

March 1, 2010 – Misys plc (FTSE: return.L), the global application software and services company, today announces the completion of its acquisition of Sophis.

The acquisition, approved by Misys shareholders on 11 February 2011, has brought together two of the leading software and services on the capital markets, resulting in a combined company with the most comprehensive cross-supply and front to back office coverage available on the market today.

Sophis solutions are used by financial institutions at both sell-side and buy-side. Their buy-side solutions help accelerate the Misys ' impact in this lucrative market. Its sell-side solutions, particularly around shares, equity derivatives and commodities areas, complementing the existing strong Misys ' solutions in interest rate derivatives, foreign exchange and fixed income, as well as its commercial lending capacity.

The two companies now have more than 1,800 dedicated domain specialists with an unrivalled knowledge and expertise covering all asset classes in all functional areas, including trade, investment decision support, portfolio management, risk management, compliance, pricing, and guarantees.

Mike Lawrie, CEO of Misys, is very pleased with the additional strength this acquisition gives the company: "this really catapults us into the No. 1 position on the market. Misys and Sophis clients will both benefit from this acquisition: Misys customers will benefit from the more advanced functionality around shares, equity derivatives, portfolio management and portfolio analytics from Sophis. Sophis clients will be able to get higher interest rate and credit derivatives, bonds and foreign exchange capacity from Misys solutions. With the great news that Sophis is now part of Misys operations, I am confident that we now can run even more value for our customers and shareholders. "

"System that allows traders, asset managers and risk managers to price and manage any instrument, regardless of complexity or asset class, encourage innovation in the capital markets, and increase transparency," says Stephen Bruel, Research Director, TowerGroup, a company that the company's Executive Board. "The ability to manage cross-border asset portfolio strategies, in combination with comprehensive risk management from front to Back on one integrated platform will keep institutions ahead of their competitors. With a single vendor offering this broad coverage has the potential to reduce the risk of financial institutions. "

Sophis solutions now have greater exposure to non-European markets, particularly the fast-growing Asian and Latin American markets, by Misys's international footprint and its existing sales orders, and infrastructure in those regions. In addition, provides new customers with a wider range of insurance cover for cross-anläggningstillgångar combined solution portfolio and wider capital markets expertise.

Sophis, Misys Sophis, a business unit of Misys, has about 130 financial institutions in their customer base. Among its customers 80 buy-side organizations such as the UBS Global asset management, Groupama Asset Management, Fidelity International and Dexia Asset Management. Customers 50 sales page include Barclays, HSBC, Natixis and Royal Bank of Canada.

Misys now has over 500 customers benefit from the broad range of capital markets solutions and generates more than 60% of its revenue from companies that combined the capital markets. Misys is a new force in the buy-side system with 13 of the top 20 capital managers and has 22 new customers in 2010.

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zondag 8 mei 2011

ISDA leads industry efforts to establish commodity derivatives trade repository

March 25, 2011 10: 00 AM Eastern Daylight time

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) today announced that within the framework of its continued efforts to improve transparency in the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets, has issued a request for proposal (RFP) to establish a commodity OTC derivatives trade repository.

RFP seeks proposals to create a trade reporting database eventually will register all commodity derivative OTC trade types. The database will meet all current and future provisions of databases and will provide a structure to quickly report and provides quick access to information to the relevant regulatory authorities. The deadline for interested suppliers to submit their proposals is Monday, April 25, 2011.

Trade databases improve transparency by providing global regulators significant visibility into risk exposures of the company and of the counterparty. ISDA has helped establish trade databases for other asset classes, including OTC interest rate, credit and equity derivatives.

Information about the RFP is available at ISDAS site: http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.isda.org&esheet=6660107&lan=en-US&anchor=www.isda.org&index=1&md5=3e615844d2e552680240eca3aff16654

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zaterdag 7 mei 2011

High frequency Trading: where we are and how did we get here?

"The truth is the new high frequency traders or fluctuate and create liquidity, said John Damgard Chairman of industry association in the future.

What he should say is apparently that they reduce or fluctuate is not created. And this is just a slip tongue as Sigmund Freud, as checking deliveries can disclose the fact.

I worry about high frequency Trading (HFT) for two main reasons: the decrease of the relationship between value and price, the potential for the positive comments.

Markets have enabled businesses to raise money. Expanding employment and other benefits of this society only if a market is not appropriate for disclosure of the actual value of the company via the stock prices of otherwise market does not differ from the casinos, including the prices may be shared by the rotation of the roulette wheel. Fundamental analysis should work similar. You analyze the company Study of customer research and summarize management etc, but the basic analysis is hard work.

Much easier is to. Run the data entered into the black box contains some algorithm and optimization algorithms to your black box does not administer the HFT hoot about the actual value of the company it khakiao with what happened that price over the next few seconds. You may take a few months that this black box for the first time but after that you can use with the market relatively little effort just wide for marketing re-optimize (and we know from the market players will be compensated if the question of whether or not results are long-term profitable as second priority) Therefore, with a basic analysis for each market. Each week one of hard work must be.

The above does not matter if the boys HFT does not dominate the market is now 70% of trade in some exchanges will trade HFT.

Whenever you have a bandwagon, HFT now, you have the opportunity of system risks and opinion remember that product bandwagon … the credit. Last How did one open for world economy?

Get ideas you need in quantity of traders by similar strategies.

You "they all have different strategies to say maybe true now, but not for long had informal traders from other mercy and because someone in the financial changes every two years. It didn't take long for the concept widely distributed.

But feedback can be positive or negative.

Delete comments To move up in stock sales, sales-and therefore the price and down to purchase, and therefore a rise in prices dampens or fluctuate.

Positive comments are when the purchase is created, which begets, shares higher again. Why else buy etc., etc., and, when OK begets sales and other causes, and more sales ...

So that it results in HFT decrease of or fluctuate over negative comments or add through positive comments? This is a simple one. If you are a hedge fund manager, which of the following do you want A or B?

A. low or fluctuate more equity or down quite predictably, no skill is required to make money, even by the man on the street hedge fund cannot charge a large fee.

B. or fluctuate high marketing expert is very difficult and can charge large fees if good Fund will make a killing, because of the enormous profits they have made for their customers, but they are just as likely loss of all your customers. In case … nothing bad happened to Fund Manager

Yes, we are in familiar territory of certain moral disaster fund to add to or fluctuate and they have found themselves in, they want to make this happen.

(BTW, if you want the math of the feedback, see PWOQF2 or read the documentation comments, the effect of preventing the risk in the markets illiquid, (P.Schoenbucher and P.Wilmott), Siam J. Appl. Math 61 232-272 (2000), it is all about gamma strategies)

Did we find ourselves in this position because skilled play boy HFT "liquidity card", while the right? The argument to follow these lines: "when Mom and Pop to sell off a portion of the portfolio to fund their retirement, they will get a better price if there is more liquidity to liquidity not good" for the shares they hold onto 20 years certainly nonphuak he is already specifically Whoohoo break champagne so you are arguing with additional liquidity card, the merrier, right? does the fact that during those 20 years. Its stock has lost 50% of the value of thanks to the excellent HFT Crash never gets mentioned one hundred extra and 50% Hmmm?

Everything in moderation more liquidity available the more you rely on your service provider and worse collapse when the liquidity dries up and is positioned to both make this drying up and benefit from it? Why are boys HFT.


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vrijdag 6 mei 2011

New Acceleration of the Exchange traded derivatives trading volumes in 2010

Suddenly, PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--trading in derivative contracts on regulated stock exchanges around the world rose to the highest levels in nearly 10 years in 2010, according to statistics compiled by the World Federation of exchanges (WFE).

More than 22.4 million derivative contracts were traded on exchanges worldwide 2010 (11,2 billion in futures and options 11.1 billion) against 17.8 billion in 2009. Growth rate (+ 25%) is one of the highest observed since 2003. Futures are traded has grown more rapidly (+ 35%) than the alternative (the strongest%), according to the WFE, which annually conducts a survey of the international options markets Association (FROM). The full report will be available a few weeks after the annual Conference of FROM, host NSE India's Mumbai from 1 to 4th May.

"Increased volume transacted on stock markets confirms the trend noted in one study1" strong volume in exchange-traded derivatives 2010 shows that the reform of regulation of OTC derivatmarknader participants to move some of the business risk of transmission to exchange-traded derivatives. "on behalf of WFE and was conducted by the TAB Group, "said Ronald Arculli, Chairman of the WFE and the Chairman of the Hong Kong s.a.r. exchanges and Clearing houses.

Mr. Arculli noted that, according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) statistics, notional amounts outstanding of OTC derivative instruments decreased by 13% between June 2009 and June 2010.

Other highlights of the preliminary WFE derivative report:

Equity Derivatives grew rapidly (+ 14%) in 2010. Asia Pacific region experienced the highest growth rate (+ 20%), followed by America (+ 10%) and the European-African Middle Eastern (+ 8%). Interest rate derivatives trade grew considerably (+ 29%), exceeds the pre-2008 financial crisis levels. With a significant negative growth (-23%) in 2009, this segment was most heavily affected by the crisis. Currency derivatives, with 2.3 billion contracts traded on 2010, remains the smallest portion of organised markets. Still run by the Indian exchanges which accounted for 71% of the volumes sold in 2010, they have experienced triple-digit growth rates in 2010 (+ 144%). When the Indian exchanges are excluded from the statistics, traded volumes in 2010, the growth rate was still very strong (+ 36%). Commodity derivatives continued to grow rapidly in 2010 (+ 34%). Chinese exchanges accounted for 51% of the traded volumes. 2010 volume and growth rate for 2009-2010

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donderdag 5 mei 2011

Morgan Stanley clears client OTC interest Rate Swaps by LCH.Into Clearnet

Mar 8, 2011 | New York, Morgan Stanley, the market leader in derivatives trading and clearing house, announced today that it has cleared some of the first interest rate swaps transactions in OTC by LCH.Into Clearnet Ltd (LCH) SwapClear Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) service for U.S. clients.
"Today's announcement underlines the Morgan Stanley leadership role in the central clearing of OTC derivatives," said Stephen O'Connor, Executive Director and Global Head of OTC client Clearing at Morgan Stanley.  "Morgan Stanley has been actively involved in OTC derivatives Clearing in over 10 years, and the company fully supports current legislative initiatives to expand OTC clearing from inter-dealer market to the dealer to client market.  We have worked hard with our clients, clearing houses, industry associations and regulatory agencies towards achieving this objective. "Today's transaction is performed during Tradewebs electronic execution platform and transferred to LCH via MarkitWire, the first transactions carried out and cleaned this way.Morgan Stanley provides clearing services for both OTC and listed derivatives for their customers worldwide.  The company currently offers OTC derivatives clearing services of CME Group and the ICE trust beyond LCH and connection to additional OTC Clearing House will be added in the future to respond to client demand. Morgan Stanley is a leading global financial services provides a wide range of Investment Banking, securities, investment management and wealth services.  The company's employees serve clients worldwide including corporations, Governments, institutions and individuals from more than 1,200 offices in 42 countries.  For further information about Morgan Stanley, please visit www.morganstanley.com.

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woensdag 4 mei 2011

Traiana Announces comprehensive connectivity options and workflow solution for FX Central Clearing

Traiana Announces comprehensive connectivity options and workflow solution for FX Central Clearing of Sean Sprackling on Monday Mar 21, 2010 12: 42 GMT |  Permanent link |  Kosmos Citi selects Traianas solution for the foreign currency option and non-slutprodukt forward the client clear connections.

Traiana, the leading provider of post-trade solutions, announced today that it has launched a new service for connection to central counterparties (CCPs) for brokering of OTC foreign exchange (FX) derivatives. Citi is the first customer of the solution.

Harmony CCP connect provides extensive connectivity to the contact points by harmony network, including routing, trade confirmation, matching, distribution, and reporting for centrally cleared OTC foreign exchange (FX) options and non-slutprodukt forward (NDFs).

Available immediately for all members of community harmony, harmony CCP connect central clearing services will be added to the Traianas market after trade networks of processes OTC FX options and NDFs for a network of over 500 affiliated companies.

Andy Coyne, Global Head of FX Prime Brokerage at Citi, said, "in the future, the client trading environment will cover both the cleared and non-cleared. In this new world will be absolutely necessary to have a solution that handles both. Because the majority of FX prime brokerage trade already go through Harmony, including NDFs and options for Traiana is the natural choice to give the cultural contact points and connection. "

Gil Mandelzis, CEO, Traiana, said, "the addition of Central Clearing in the FX instruments means that the complexity of trading and processing for the clients will increase significantly, and as such his role as the main broker becomes even more important. Traiana is committed to supporting FX prime brokers challenges and opportunities and we are delighted to be selected by Citi to implement our solution.

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dinsdag 3 mei 2011

"Inbox test for stability of world financial markets."

Posted at: December 3, 2010 12: 34 PM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General, Another day, another email in my Inbox announcing meeting commercial high frequency. Nothing against email (we send a few of them myself) and nothing against HFT per se, but the email in the same story in the space of a short time as many as a certain signal of the bandwagon and bandwagons are bad news for the market. More specifically, bad news for shareholders, but is often cause for bumper bonuses for bankers.

Last time my Inbox was bombarded with email shot of monotony, edited during the heyday of primary credit: while I'm sure that major version: a dense, but credit has been fully forgive I don't know the size of the market and therefore the chance of the risk that the system is the status of my inbox should have warned me.

Now I know better So according to my Inbox. An algo/hf/computerized trading much too far. Benefits this confers smallest in terms of should be "has" far outweighed by the potential for causing chaos penny foolish waste wise.


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maandag 2 mei 2011

FSA: the worse I Feared

Posted: 24 April 2009 7: 27 AM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General, remember my blog about Magicians and Mathematicians I complained about no imagination in risk management? If you don't, then please see the rest of the blog section, otherwise this would not be suitable for you.

Well, I just had the most awesome experience meeting. Take for example magician is audience must turn thought to think beyond simple arithmetic. I started with "possibilities" and receive replies "one in a normal 52" is pointing (Magic), and people that change the answer is 100%, except that some people don't. There are three people in the audience might be 100 talk answer 1/52 original and refused to budge.

So far, so normal.

Now the scary bits The audience consisted almost entirely of actuaries (non-scary) except for three people from the FSA and the two of them being that anyone answer ' insisted ' math 1/52 (a bit afraid of me)

His reasoning explains one of them I can't chamrai resolution it's quite long but important element was that "the answers should be one of the 52 unless the magician is tricking us and really, so we should ignore this factor ..." (I apologise if I am wrong but this from the reaction of the audience, I don't think there is).

Forgive me now, but not the FSA should do in the real world where things are just not about pure mathematics? World at risk that hide risk managers moral hazard is rife and the magic magicians, er, that is sort of the whole point? If it's all about maths and we will not be FSA we will use people preview EdExcel examiners to make the sign of the Bank out of a hundred at the end of the.


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zondag 1 mei 2011

ISDA: SEF rules should provide greater freedom of choice, access and liquidity of OTC derivative market participants

ISDA: SEF rules should provide greater freedom of choice, access and liquidity of OTC derivatives market ISDAactors®

For immediate release, Tuesday, March 29, 2011
For more Information, please contact:
Deirdre Leahy, ISDA New York, + 1 212-901-6021, dleahy@isda.org
Rebecca O'Neill, ISDA London, + 44 203 088 c(1998) 3586, roneill@isda.org
Donna Chan, ISDA Hong Kong, + 852 2200 5906, dchan@isda.org

ISDA: SEF rules should provide more choice, asset and cash to the OTC derivative market participants

NEW YORK, on Tuesday 29 March 2011 – in an article published today, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) describes his view of the role, impact and optimum structure for Swap execution facilities (SEFs *) in the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets worldwide.

SEF fundamentals
ISDA think SEFs can play a positive role in the OTC derivatives market by strengthening their infrastructure, helping prevent insider trading and other market abuses, and increasing transparency and access for smaller participants. To achieve this potential and become an effective marketplace, need to offer derivatives SEFs users general election in the trade of at very low cost. SEFs to structure, including:

Offer maximum choices in trade execution for market players. Provide pre-and post-trade transparency while liquidity. Have reasonable, tailor-made and product specific trade group exception which reflects the risk of a transaction instead of a "one size fits all" approach.Grant access to a wide range of qualified entrants. Access rules should be objective and applied impartially. Be flexible enough to allow business models evolve over time. Product needed to be sold in the SEFs should be limited to liquid, mature products. Rules should not only be imported from other, completely different markets but should take into account liquidity, average trade size and average trade frequency of derivatives and the relative sophistication of the market players.

It is also important that individuals are not discriminated against by central SEFs Clearing organizations in terms of access and pricing.

* SEFs is a type of trading system, as defined in the United States by Dodd-Frank Act (DFA). The law requires derivatives subject to mandatory Purge trade on them, provided that such derivatives are made available for trading by the SEF.

Financial market structures and trade
In the paper noted the ISDA also the significant differences between the various segments of financial markets and how trade has developed in these. Traded futures markets are characterised by a broad spectrum of trade customers (including retail) margin requirements for a small number of highly standardized contracts in relatively small quantities. As a result, the liquidity situation of listed equities markets relatively continuous nature.

The number of potential buyers and sellers of over-the-counter derivatives markets, however, is relatively small. Active participants are sophisticated institutions that expand very competitive prices from multiple resellers. Trade consists of a wide range of less standardised products. Lines are usually much larger and less frequent. Liquidity is highly variable and depends very much on a distributor that prices for clients.

Various structures have also arisen in other market segments. This includes the trading of US Treasuries, undoubtedly one of the most liquid financial instruments. A large part of the trade in so-called "on-the-run treasuries, the most recent and most liquid, carried out on electronic trading platforms. Much of the beings in the older "off-the-run Treasuries are still being made via wholesale brokers and directly between dealers. There is no requirement that all trade entirely on electronic platforms.

Review of current regulatory proposals
ISDA believes that regulatory proposals in SEFs for mandatory use of derivative trading should be based on the core principles in the paper and the structure of OTC derivatives. The Association proposes in his paper, several areas for improvement:

To determine if a product which derivatives are available for trading by an SEF: The CFTC proposes to delegate this task to the SEF, and further suggest that if a SEF has made such an assessment, all would be required to treat the SEFs swap made available for trading.

The proposed rule does not specify, but no specific criteria for determining if a product which the derivatives liquidity for trading. CFTC should be specified that a contract subject to mandatory clearing does not automatically make it available to the trade and that the agreement must also meet the minimum liquidity requirements and standardisation.

The proposed rule also creates a misalignment of interest in this SEFs will have all the incentive to declare a product available for emissions trading to capture market share. In addition, if a product trade very rarely and each trade is conducted is known to the entire market as a result of the SEF, the participants to be very careful with positions. The result will be less liquidity and inferior prices for users. To eliminate this conflict and its negative consequences, should the CFTC do "available to trade" determination-public notice and comment.

Requires the SEFS either books or request for quote (RFQ) facility. ISDAS paper argues that this requirement is an unnecessarily narrow interpretation of the DFA. It is difficult to see the advantage of requiring only two types of holdings to qualify as SEFs when other types of plants can be easy to achieve the objectives of the DFA.

CFTC further States that a participant who uses an RFQ must send the request to a minimum of five participants. This seems to be another example where the CFTC is more precise and restrictive than it need be. DFA States that players must only have the ability to accept multiple bids or offers-not that they are obliged to request them.

Call for bids or offers from five dealers can make retailers reluctant to aggressively price entry which at least four other market actors are aware of their winning position. There may be other swaps that represent breeds for confidential transactions and should not be presented to five dealers. The requirement of five retailers limit how participants working in markets where it is not clear purposes. The requirement is bound to reduce liquidity.

About ISDA
ISDA, representing the participants in the privately negotiated derivatives, is one of the world's largest global financial organizations as measured by the number of member companies. ISDA was chartered in 1985 and currently has over 800 member institutions from 55 countries on six continents. These members include most of the world's major institutions such as the private negotiated derivatives, like many businesses, governmental entities and other end-users based on OTC derivatives to manage efficiently financial market risks with their economic core activities. Information about the ISDA and its activities, visit the Association's website: www.isda.org.

ISDA ® is a registered trademark of the international swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc.

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zaterdag 30 april 2011

All the old is new again in bonds

Unrestricted strategies for bonds is hot now so low yields.  But wait. Let's take a step back.  What we mean by a limited strategy?

A limited strategy is one that restricts the investment one can engage in either through:

Specifying a directory administrator charged with beatingSpecifying percentage limits for investments, Division by categories, such as credit quality, rate sensitivity, sub-categories for fixed (ABS, RMBS, CMBS, companies, organizations, etc.) and other variablesBarring investment in more blue fixed income instruments such as preferred stockTrust preferreds, junior debt, CDOs, RMBS, CMBS, ABS, etc. or some combination thereof.

There were no restrictions on fixed income strategies before — just not been called that.  Many value investors in the old days do not care what was the legal form of investment — just forward a sufficient safety margin.  Their portfolios were a hodgepodge of debt and equity instruments.  Specialization in only debt securities was not made public.

More investments only debt was limited, in particular those from Bank trust departments.  Of course, this was a time when investment in junk debt was respectable for all but the most intrepid investors.

With the advent of the 1980s we had two innovations: junk bonds and bond index funds.  The first took the world by storm with the requirement for performance. I have seen that at first I worked for an insurance company in junk bonds — they overloaded.  This was before the regulators regulate more strictly the bond credit quality.

The second took more time to flourish.  The first Bond Index Fund came into existence in 1986 to the forefront.  Could not call a Bond Index Fund, precisely because they could reproduce the index.  There were too many bonds that were illiquid and not buy them at any reasonable price.  On the other hand, have taken an approach that we call "enhanced indexing" now.  Match the sensitivity of the rate of the index and the credit quality, but select the bonds that had more features than the bonds in the index.

In this sense, although the Sec allows bond funds today called index funds, all funds are bond index strengthened index funds because there is no way to source all of the bonds.  And from my days as an administrator, I have learned that corporate bonds bonds in major indexes always rich trade.  By me, the education of a corporate bond Manager, part IX:

There was another example where it would cross bonds which were lawful — if this was done with the help of a broker in distress.  One day, someone gave me a rare type of capital bonds to a regular layer, and asked whether these bonds were those who were in a large bond index, without saying that per se.  After you are listed, I bought them at a level, and is called a broker, that were likely to be short bonds to see if he wanted.  He certainly did, and they are offered at three basis point concession when I bought them, unlike the copying of his daughters (such as the technical term went).

The sum of two transactions took 15 minutes, and made $ 15,000 for my client.  What was funnier, was that my entire family came to visit me on that day, my wife at the time, and seven children.  Listen to the two transactions, although we should explain them later. For the second agent, had each of the children say "Hello," ending with the then three-year-old girl that squeaked "Hello".  He said something to the effect of, ' I knew I had a big family, but only really struck me now. "

That three-year old is now a beauty in twelve, and bright as something, but I do.  (Grow fast … the nine-year old girl is cute as a button.)

Bond was just managed without restrictions other than those you're looking for total returns to the old days, and are limited to the old days by those who looked for performance.  (Many administrators will not buy bonds that are traded at a premium.)  Bond indexes then became popular as a management tool.  In a sense, bond management freed, because rather than hard constraints matched interest rate sensitivity index.

But what is limiting credit policy and interest rate policy.  Management to gain a benchmark has limited options.  What if you want to place for:

Extending credit credit spreadsNarrowing spreadsRising interest ratesFalling interest ratesYield flatteningOutperformance/curve steepeningYield curve underperfomance a particular sector

Each type of directional bets could go wrong, and more often than bonds fits into the idea of replicating the index, but is qualified in ways that do not appreciate the index.  So rather than "whole hog" gambling, simply lean towards, so if you have the wrong, it will destroy the outperformance against the index.

But in this modern world where derivatives are widely accepted as fixed-income instruments, a la Pimco, fixed-income managers can do much more.  There is more freedom to make or lose money.

The strategy without restriction can be thought of in two ways: always try to earn a positive return with high probability (T-bills is the reference point, if any), or is willing to accept equity-like variability, while the management of the bond or bonds obscure sources takes a large interest rate or credit risk.

I prefer the first idea, because it is more conservative and fixed income management should aim at average for safety.  As I said before, I only take risks that are well-compensated.

But here is a hard.  With such a large yield curve should bond Manager, with a mandate without restrictions placed a little to long bonds or long zeros?  I think so, but would not raise many exist unless the momentum started to favor it.

I like the concept of strategy of unrestricted. In fact, is what I do for clients, but it is the first variety, try to earn money for clients in all markets, and not just wild man in search of the yield or return set.

I find the transition without restriction orders to return to what is has value managers before too long, but in a more complex environment stable income.  But I wonder as to whether future failures will invalidate the idea for the most part.  It is difficult to manage any asset class while adjusting the level of risk to reflect what must not happen at a particular time, or in shares or debt.  The danger comes from trying to maintain performance levels that are higher than is sustainable.

Debt securities, macroeconomics, portfolio management, speculation, structured products and derivatives, value investing | Trackback |

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vrijdag 29 april 2011

Alai. Measure the Alai-Alai? can you get.

Posted on: 10 May 2010 | 5: 46 PM Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General Brown graciously offered job as PM for a few months more, by Treaty, will step down LibLab after labor, has chosen a new leader. Thank you Gordon but mind very much if we pass on this one?

This is all highly asup and I guess some Brown and his inner circle to come up with a plan to this point. No consultation with the Cabinet, just him and his spin doctor, You want to watch 5 a.m. Sky News interview with Adam Boulton Alastair Campbell by labour party saw the imploding embarrassing. You expect to not be subject, from national banana.

The bad news is good news in the end, what did prophesy about all this is brown to announce this decision public. If it is a request to Clegg, and I think it is a large Brown is flailing around, clearly. Alai to cling to power

I hope this lessens the likelihood of labour-LibDem. The more natural of two coalitions. Not that I would like to pair the LibDem-conservative. I'm almost as worried by the idea of proportions as I think the high taxes by.


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donderdag 28 april 2011

Math rewarding

Posted: 14 March 2011 10: 16 AM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General, we hear a lot about how talent will leave an important financial centre if tax regulations will not be accepted. People move to the location very good brands are more or less, but it seems he has never received as much talent is not capable of this "special" really?

This integration I have often said that the mathematics of finance quant simplicity if correct and introducing the concept to immediately take himself: measure the ratio of salaries in General in the field, estimated difficulty of the concepts in that field. How good the quant is closed against the aeronautical engineer.

And salaries associated with talent?

Quantifying that math is hard. For in the rates section, which is difficult. Inspired by the types of differential equations that the visible in many physical sciences, both in financial, we might begin as follows:

Dish planet 5 scores 10 elliptic equations, hyperbolic or mix 15.

Four or less 5 points more than five or 10 points.

Linear no points. Objection 10 points.

Aero engineer may have that ratio 5 (after rescaling by 1000 to give neater number), a whopping 30 quant.

In other words Aero engineer should be salary of quant and vice versa.


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woensdag 27 april 2011

Book review: essential elements of the Act of Dodd-Frank

Before you start tonight, I just want to say that a day goes, if I can find a good theme, I prepare for it. If you don't plan to do a review of the book. As is, I have 15 books I've read and reviewed. The majority of them are poor. It is difficult to make this book a bad review, but rather would make a lot of them.


My review of this book was shaped by the coverage of my industry.  I am Director of investments, plus a small amount.  I learned much more from other sources about what I need to do to comply with the Dodd-Frank from this book was.  If only I had this book to help guide me in my work, I will never sink.

Now, as I read through the book struck me as a summary of the law, were without a lot of insight.

The structure of the book is this:

Importing the ActExplain history and goalsGo through the main sections (major divisions) of the law, and provide brief explanations of the main points. Explain how different institutions are at a high level, then talk about how the various studies required by the Act will beand how regulatory rules will be created. How does it affect all existing organizations, as well as new services are created by the impact of the Act is universally. What (not very) how does it affect different economic professionsHow interacts with the SOX and Basel (not much)

I found the book to be weak, because of what I know about my industry, as well as other financial industries.  I read it as someone went through the law and what is clips.


I have no quibbles, I only object.  This book was made very quickly, and with very little thought.

Who will benefit from this Book:

Better you should read the Act. It is bad, but not evil, as is Washington.  The operation is great, so if you are looking for an easy introduction to this book could be useful, but you could probably clip the highlights of the transaction yourself.  It is only a question of the value of your time.

If you want to do, you can buy it here: key elements of the Act of Dodd-Frank (series basics).

Full disclosure: asked me if I would like to get this book, and I said yes.  What a disappointment.

If you enter Amazon through my site, and you can buy anything, I get a small Commission.  This is the main source of income for my blog.  I prefer a "Tip jar" because I want to get anything you want, instead of simply gives me a tip.  Book reviews take time, particularly in reading, which most reviewers, not book fully, and usually do. (If not, mention that I scanned the book.  Also, never use the data we will send the PR flacks.)

Most people buy on Amazon does not enter through a Web page that contains references.  So Amazon creates an extra 1-3% on the prices to all buyers to compensate for supplies given to minority derived through referring sites.  If you can buy on Amazon directly or enter through my site, don't change your values.

Banks, book reviews, Fed policy, insurance, real estate and mortgages, macroeconomics, structured products and derivatives, public policy || Trackback |

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dinsdag 26 april 2011

RBS reorganized business Futures

RBS reorganized business futures by Sean Sprackling TUE 15 Mar, 2010 08: 17 GMT |  Permanent link |  Kosmos announced by Reuters RBS has unfortunately merged business futures OTC clearing device. I say, unfortunately, as an old and very capable colleague of mine from my early days at Coopers & Lybrand, John Wilson has left his job. John has been instrumental in helping industry shape its response to the next EMIR central clearing house regulations, and it has always been a joy to see his name on the roster the conferences which I chair.

Johns sent me a LinkedIn request to support him, and for those seeking to fill senior positions in OTC clearing then I recommend not him enough.

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maandag 25 april 2011

Book review: Fatal risk

When I came to work in mutual provident, I have a friend who reported me.  Roy was a real character.  He had rules for life, and all of this made sense to some extent.  When he claimed on why businesses and how we have done in the authoring section, said, "we are the good guys.  We are to save the world for 0.25% assets plus postage and handling. "

I want to work with the good guys. This is my style, if I can achieve.  Many are clearly out for personal enrichment, leaving aside the failure/do good to others.

Roddy Boyd is a good.  If you read the stuff before in the newspapers/magazines in which he wrote, would benefit from the book of AIG.

This book has some real knowledge.  Focuses on the years in which AIG stopped a single insurer, and became a player on the financial markets.

That being said, contains new data on m. r. Greenberg, particularly with regard to the years of war.  I found it very insightful, and helped to understand why it was that it was not the boss. (I work at AIG 1989-1992).  It was a tough man both war and business.

Boyd interview as many as we talk with him and excluding material which should not be confirmed by both parties.  I thought that was a moral way to deal with information which has not yet publicly known.

The driving force behind the push to AIG financial services was the need for the income uncorrelated with the cycle insurance P and c.  That also resulted in derivatives, securities trading, aircraft leasing business and expansion of domestic life, with the purchase of SunAmerica and General American (two mistakes through overpayment, in my opinion, and I know that this undertaking).

This extension took toll on AIG and as this could not be deployed useful organic more 15%, began to borrow money, both explicitly and implicitly, in order to lever to fall ROA (return on assets) to 15% ROE (return on equity).

Greenberg oversaw the expansion in financial services, although not the shameless risk taking after he was kicked.  Also, the increasing debt implicit — most of which occurred on the clock.  But those who followed the case were equals.  That would not be able to manage what was unmanagable by lesser mortals.  Martin Sullivan should have broken the company one day. This was the failure of.  But anyone could manage Greenberg monstrosity.  If it had remained there, I suspect that the company would have blown up in 2010-2015, which is a lot less.  I think it was a mercy that he got kicked out.

When everything blew apart, nobody could catch the entire picture.  Greenberg had gone.  AIG was undermanaged.  Nobody knew the whole story, and all the associations for subprime lending: hinging direct lending through its consumer finance arm, investments in insurance companies, insurance subsidiaries through guarantees, mortgages, subprime collateralized by securities lending to companies with domestic lifeand guarantees to AIG financial products.

The diversification effort is ultimately an exercise in concentration.  Nothing grows on the sky.  Large companies tend to rot from the inside, and this was the case for the Greenberg, AIG or not.  I believe neither in Greenberg got game profits Wall Street, and eventually became too large for him.  Of course, was too big for his successors.

This was a great book.  I loved every minute reading this.  I could not put it.  Roddy is one of the "good guys" and for what is right.  But this is fair. don't take someone to work unless undeniable proof.  Therefore those who are suspect, but have no ironclad case against them stands, which is as it should be.

One more Note, this book had a really good balance in how we leave the main story to explain a concept, as well as the wider business world.  It is the main focus should be given to AIG and explains how it fit into the broader picture.


The book is not yet available.  I read an issue beforehand, and there were some minor errors that I expect that will eradicate when it goes to print.

Who will benefit from this Book:

Anyone who wants to learn more about AIG world benefit.  This is the best book yet AIG crisis.  Beyond this, readers who want to understand the complexity of the financial system, and how this led to the crisis will benefit, as AIG was a microcosm of the greater panic.

If you want to do, you can buy it here: fatal danger: A cautionary tale of AIG corporate suicide.

Full disclosure: this book was sent to me by the author, spam.

If you enter Amazon through my site, and you can buy anything, I get a small Commission.  This is the main source of income for my blog.  I prefer a "Tip jar" because I want to get anything you want, instead of simply gives me a tip.  Book reviews take time, particularly in reading, which most reviewers, not book fully, and usually do. (If not, mention that I scanned the book.  Also, never use the data we will send the PR flacks.)

Most people buy on Amazon does not enter through a Web page that contains references.  So Amazon creates an extra 1-3% on the prices to all buyers to compensate for supplies given to minority derived through referring sites.  If you can buy on Amazon directly or enter through my site, don't change your values.

Book reviews, security, structured products and derivatives ||

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