vrijdag 27 mei 2011


Posted: april, 2011 11: 57 PM | 4 Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General in 1983 Howard Gardner proposed a theory of ' intelligences ' and show the eight types: geometric logical language, mathematics, music, human body Intrapersonal Naturalistic points of interest about this non-concept. Which is itself a reasonably clearly? Point of interest is the list itself. Those eight specific areas of information system This theory is a simplified version of split into only two intelligence type classical IQ and emotional Intelligence or eq.

In many walks of life, especially related to high level technical skills, such as physics and math programming. some aspects of banking, risk management and derivatives is to find people with very high IQs but low EQs: High IQ. Low EQ information or hiqleq (pronounced hick-leck)

Investment Bank in modern very peculiar techniques. Advanced math and programming skills and at the same time, these bankers are having less interaction with customers. People from a variety of backgrounds with diverse personalities The Bank has become a safe haven. If perhaps there is no breeding ground. For hiqleqs

I enjoy conversations with people who can bring together many diverse subjects and crochet, conversation, fun, fun and illuminating vast and free flowing generally those people with high IQ and eq high, however, hiqleqs seems to feel uncomfortable. When a discussion starts getting lost in an unexpected way or if the parameter is not set to chat satisfaction of their.

In a discussion about research, similarly find that some people ' get it ' and can improvise with the creative ideas, while many others do the opposite course, and seem to stifle any originality, I did not mean they do intentionally or maliciously, but just because they want rules or structure when there is no need for any need or will more clearly. Discussions and surveys should provide oil and do not need to be restricted as a branch of mathematics, rigorous.

When talking about the risk or the idea of the mathematicians in the Investment Bank. I often feel that I'm trying to describe the beauty of the rose is red or the color of the Rainbow that the people who see in black and white only.


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