donderdag 26 mei 2011

Political panic and poker

Posted on: 10 June 2010 8: 41 PM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General conservatism has offered the LibDems French reform offices (albeit only on the most sensitive reform version) clearly the startling move, even though they did not wait to get a sense of people's reaction to Brown's earlier speech.

For a long time I've said that bankers should be forced to play poker in order to understand their relationship with the risk and return. Now think politicians should play so that they can appreciate the strength of their hands, and crucially, learn to walk out of the hands play on other Tories have things to learn.

In the classic modern portfolio theory We also learn to weigh the risk and reward expectations. Similar principles apply in political Nick Clegg has to decide between lower risk with a conservative majority as a result seats and high risk by labor for anyone to trust but higher returns expected? Conservatism has released more than they should have also, I only can guess that Clegg has photos of Cameron lost his position.

And nobody knows why this negotiation will happen in public, rather than behind closed doors?

If this is the quality of horse trading. We can expect from the current crop of politicians in England, then God help us when we are haggling with the wider world.


View the original article here

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