zondag 24 april 2011

Published labor-quotient Deniability

Posted at: april 13, 2010 8: 16 AM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General I never bothered to read the political manifesto before today, but I suspect that could have fun with them. If you know someone who is likely to be economical with the truth, much to the amusement of the view that the way they have phrased their words to expand quotient Deniability (DQ) in an accusation of lying abroad.

DQ of manifesto labour is pretty high.

Do this from your post: page 11

"We will promote higher base and the new tax rate in the next Parliament, and we renew our pledge not to expand VAT [Sales] children's food, clothing, books, newspapers and public transport fare."

Gently does it sound great? The reader this is not the official translation is "no tax. If you believe that labour will be trusted and you may be entitled to interpretation that it does not say, but we can trust. Is not it?

Advisers and lawyers with many spin doctors enter data into the sentence.

Assumption is more true is that they cannot be trusted. A political animal after all and have to read through the eyes of the law. There is enough space around the weaseling that this reader is the perfect opposite of course.

The sentence is that?

-Percentage of the income tax does not change (e.g., 20%, 40%, 50%)

-Change, reducing the ceiling where more of them into effect.

-Capital gains tax increases

-Other taxes will go up.

-VAT rate increases

Notice that the sentence did not specifically refer to "tax" by issuing a "total revenue" is to suggest that all tax has been discussed, but that is not the case because it is the only income tax is "a higher base and on the" rate of duty all taxes other than income taxes and VAT is excluded from this sentence, which gives workers the necessary deniability.

I look forward to announce conservation

View the original article here

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