woensdag 13 april 2011

Eurex Clearing is preparing for upcoming legislative reforms by extending their services to interest rate and equity swaps

Eurex Clearing is preparing for upcoming legislative reforms by extending their services to the interest rate and equity swaps by Sean Sprackling on Thu Mar 17 07: 55 GMT 2011 |  Permanent link |  Cosmos new services focusing on risk management and safety of OTC derivatives/client asset protection solution that will be launched in the second quarter of 2011
Frankfurt/Main, Boca Raton-Eurex Clearing, Europe's leading clearinghouse, announced today that it plans to expand its Eurex OTC clear service OTC trading of interest rate and equity derivatives. The new services will be introduced within the framework of the forthcoming legislative reforms that are expected to require mandatory clearing for standardised OTC derivatives in the United States and Europe.

Currently, Eurex's OTC ready service includes OTC trading Eurex look-alike futures and options on shares and interest as well as Eurex credit clear, a clearing service for OVER-THE-COUNTER credit default swaps. 2010 Processed Eurex Clearing 541 million contracts in OTC trading products.

-Expansion of our product coverage is an important part of our strategic agenda that enables our customers to prepare for the new legislation ", said Thomas book, Eurex Clearing is responsible for Eurex Executive Board member. "We are giving you all clearing services in the relevant asset classes our clearing members and buy-side clients to meet the new requirements in the most efficient and effective way."

In addition to the expansion of the service, Eurex OTC Clearing Eurex clearly encompasses strategic agenda two further major initiatives with a focus on risk management and safety of OTC derivatives. First Eurex Clearing will introduce a new service that the client asset protection for its exchange traded and OTC markets, which will begin in the second quarter of 2011 in close coordination with market participants. Service Client asset protection will provide full protection for client assets within Microsoft and allow immediate transferability of positions and assets in case of clearing member default. Secondly, Eurex Clearing plans to introduce a new method to the risk of Microsoft, which will be the portfolio-based rather than instrument focused in many current CCP risk management approaches. The new method as a portfolio-based risk can overbars likvidavräkning between Eurex Exchange traded derivatives and OTC interest rate swaps and equity derivatives (except CDs) provides buy-side and sell-side firms large margin and collateral efficiencies.

"Our goal is to be the industry leader in standards for risk. The new risk management approach will contribute to the safety of the derivative market while delivering capital efficiencies to our clients by providing offsets in particular between Eurex Exchange traded derivatives and OTC traded derivative financial instruments, "explained the book.

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