zaterdag 30 april 2011

All the old is new again in bonds

Unrestricted strategies for bonds is hot now so low yields.  But wait. Let's take a step back.  What we mean by a limited strategy?

A limited strategy is one that restricts the investment one can engage in either through:

Specifying a directory administrator charged with beatingSpecifying percentage limits for investments, Division by categories, such as credit quality, rate sensitivity, sub-categories for fixed (ABS, RMBS, CMBS, companies, organizations, etc.) and other variablesBarring investment in more blue fixed income instruments such as preferred stockTrust preferreds, junior debt, CDOs, RMBS, CMBS, ABS, etc. or some combination thereof.

There were no restrictions on fixed income strategies before — just not been called that.  Many value investors in the old days do not care what was the legal form of investment — just forward a sufficient safety margin.  Their portfolios were a hodgepodge of debt and equity instruments.  Specialization in only debt securities was not made public.

More investments only debt was limited, in particular those from Bank trust departments.  Of course, this was a time when investment in junk debt was respectable for all but the most intrepid investors.

With the advent of the 1980s we had two innovations: junk bonds and bond index funds.  The first took the world by storm with the requirement for performance. I have seen that at first I worked for an insurance company in junk bonds — they overloaded.  This was before the regulators regulate more strictly the bond credit quality.

The second took more time to flourish.  The first Bond Index Fund came into existence in 1986 to the forefront.  Could not call a Bond Index Fund, precisely because they could reproduce the index.  There were too many bonds that were illiquid and not buy them at any reasonable price.  On the other hand, have taken an approach that we call "enhanced indexing" now.  Match the sensitivity of the rate of the index and the credit quality, but select the bonds that had more features than the bonds in the index.

In this sense, although the Sec allows bond funds today called index funds, all funds are bond index strengthened index funds because there is no way to source all of the bonds.  And from my days as an administrator, I have learned that corporate bonds bonds in major indexes always rich trade.  By me, the education of a corporate bond Manager, part IX:

There was another example where it would cross bonds which were lawful — if this was done with the help of a broker in distress.  One day, someone gave me a rare type of capital bonds to a regular layer, and asked whether these bonds were those who were in a large bond index, without saying that per se.  After you are listed, I bought them at a level, and is called a broker, that were likely to be short bonds to see if he wanted.  He certainly did, and they are offered at three basis point concession when I bought them, unlike the copying of his daughters (such as the technical term went).

The sum of two transactions took 15 minutes, and made $ 15,000 for my client.  What was funnier, was that my entire family came to visit me on that day, my wife at the time, and seven children.  Listen to the two transactions, although we should explain them later. For the second agent, had each of the children say "Hello," ending with the then three-year-old girl that squeaked "Hello".  He said something to the effect of, ' I knew I had a big family, but only really struck me now. "

That three-year old is now a beauty in twelve, and bright as something, but I do.  (Grow fast … the nine-year old girl is cute as a button.)

Bond was just managed without restrictions other than those you're looking for total returns to the old days, and are limited to the old days by those who looked for performance.  (Many administrators will not buy bonds that are traded at a premium.)  Bond indexes then became popular as a management tool.  In a sense, bond management freed, because rather than hard constraints matched interest rate sensitivity index.

But what is limiting credit policy and interest rate policy.  Management to gain a benchmark has limited options.  What if you want to place for:

Extending credit credit spreadsNarrowing spreadsRising interest ratesFalling interest ratesYield flatteningOutperformance/curve steepeningYield curve underperfomance a particular sector

Each type of directional bets could go wrong, and more often than bonds fits into the idea of replicating the index, but is qualified in ways that do not appreciate the index.  So rather than "whole hog" gambling, simply lean towards, so if you have the wrong, it will destroy the outperformance against the index.

But in this modern world where derivatives are widely accepted as fixed-income instruments, a la Pimco, fixed-income managers can do much more.  There is more freedom to make or lose money.

The strategy without restriction can be thought of in two ways: always try to earn a positive return with high probability (T-bills is the reference point, if any), or is willing to accept equity-like variability, while the management of the bond or bonds obscure sources takes a large interest rate or credit risk.

I prefer the first idea, because it is more conservative and fixed income management should aim at average for safety.  As I said before, I only take risks that are well-compensated.

But here is a hard.  With such a large yield curve should bond Manager, with a mandate without restrictions placed a little to long bonds or long zeros?  I think so, but would not raise many exist unless the momentum started to favor it.

I like the concept of strategy of unrestricted. In fact, is what I do for clients, but it is the first variety, try to earn money for clients in all markets, and not just wild man in search of the yield or return set.

I find the transition without restriction orders to return to what is has value managers before too long, but in a more complex environment stable income.  But I wonder as to whether future failures will invalidate the idea for the most part.  It is difficult to manage any asset class while adjusting the level of risk to reflect what must not happen at a particular time, or in shares or debt.  The danger comes from trying to maintain performance levels that are higher than is sustainable.

Debt securities, macroeconomics, portfolio management, speculation, structured products and derivatives, value investing | Trackback |

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vrijdag 29 april 2011

Alai. Measure the Alai-Alai? can you get.

Posted on: 10 May 2010 | 5: 46 PM Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General Brown graciously offered job as PM for a few months more, by Treaty, will step down LibLab after labor, has chosen a new leader. Thank you Gordon but mind very much if we pass on this one?

This is all highly asup and I guess some Brown and his inner circle to come up with a plan to this point. No consultation with the Cabinet, just him and his spin doctor, You want to watch 5 a.m. Sky News interview with Adam Boulton Alastair Campbell by labour party saw the imploding embarrassing. You expect to not be subject, from national banana.

The bad news is good news in the end, what did prophesy about all this is brown to announce this decision public. If it is a request to Clegg, and I think it is a large Brown is flailing around, clearly. Alai to cling to power

I hope this lessens the likelihood of labour-LibDem. The more natural of two coalitions. Not that I would like to pair the LibDem-conservative. I'm almost as worried by the idea of proportions as I think the high taxes by.


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donderdag 28 april 2011

Math rewarding

Posted: 14 March 2011 10: 16 AM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General, we hear a lot about how talent will leave an important financial centre if tax regulations will not be accepted. People move to the location very good brands are more or less, but it seems he has never received as much talent is not capable of this "special" really?

This integration I have often said that the mathematics of finance quant simplicity if correct and introducing the concept to immediately take himself: measure the ratio of salaries in General in the field, estimated difficulty of the concepts in that field. How good the quant is closed against the aeronautical engineer.

And salaries associated with talent?

Quantifying that math is hard. For in the rates section, which is difficult. Inspired by the types of differential equations that the visible in many physical sciences, both in financial, we might begin as follows:

Dish planet 5 scores 10 elliptic equations, hyperbolic or mix 15.

Four or less 5 points more than five or 10 points.

Linear no points. Objection 10 points.

Aero engineer may have that ratio 5 (after rescaling by 1000 to give neater number), a whopping 30 quant.

In other words Aero engineer should be salary of quant and vice versa.


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woensdag 27 april 2011

Book review: essential elements of the Act of Dodd-Frank

Before you start tonight, I just want to say that a day goes, if I can find a good theme, I prepare for it. If you don't plan to do a review of the book. As is, I have 15 books I've read and reviewed. The majority of them are poor. It is difficult to make this book a bad review, but rather would make a lot of them.


My review of this book was shaped by the coverage of my industry.  I am Director of investments, plus a small amount.  I learned much more from other sources about what I need to do to comply with the Dodd-Frank from this book was.  If only I had this book to help guide me in my work, I will never sink.

Now, as I read through the book struck me as a summary of the law, were without a lot of insight.

The structure of the book is this:

Importing the ActExplain history and goalsGo through the main sections (major divisions) of the law, and provide brief explanations of the main points. Explain how different institutions are at a high level, then talk about how the various studies required by the Act will beand how regulatory rules will be created. How does it affect all existing organizations, as well as new services are created by the impact of the Act is universally. What (not very) how does it affect different economic professionsHow interacts with the SOX and Basel (not much)

I found the book to be weak, because of what I know about my industry, as well as other financial industries.  I read it as someone went through the law and what is clips.


I have no quibbles, I only object.  This book was made very quickly, and with very little thought.

Who will benefit from this Book:

Better you should read the Act. It is bad, but not evil, as is Washington.  The operation is great, so if you are looking for an easy introduction to this book could be useful, but you could probably clip the highlights of the transaction yourself.  It is only a question of the value of your time.

If you want to do, you can buy it here: key elements of the Act of Dodd-Frank (series basics).

Full disclosure: asked me if I would like to get this book, and I said yes.  What a disappointment.

If you enter Amazon through my site, and you can buy anything, I get a small Commission.  This is the main source of income for my blog.  I prefer a "Tip jar" because I want to get anything you want, instead of simply gives me a tip.  Book reviews take time, particularly in reading, which most reviewers, not book fully, and usually do. (If not, mention that I scanned the book.  Also, never use the data we will send the PR flacks.)

Most people buy on Amazon does not enter through a Web page that contains references.  So Amazon creates an extra 1-3% on the prices to all buyers to compensate for supplies given to minority derived through referring sites.  If you can buy on Amazon directly or enter through my site, don't change your values.

Banks, book reviews, Fed policy, insurance, real estate and mortgages, macroeconomics, structured products and derivatives, public policy || Trackback |

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dinsdag 26 april 2011

RBS reorganized business Futures

RBS reorganized business futures by Sean Sprackling TUE 15 Mar, 2010 08: 17 GMT |  Permanent link |  Kosmos announced by Reuters RBS has unfortunately merged business futures OTC clearing device. I say, unfortunately, as an old and very capable colleague of mine from my early days at Coopers & Lybrand, John Wilson has left his job. John has been instrumental in helping industry shape its response to the next EMIR central clearing house regulations, and it has always been a joy to see his name on the roster the conferences which I chair.

Johns sent me a LinkedIn request to support him, and for those seeking to fill senior positions in OTC clearing then I recommend not him enough.

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maandag 25 april 2011

Book review: Fatal risk

When I came to work in mutual provident, I have a friend who reported me.  Roy was a real character.  He had rules for life, and all of this made sense to some extent.  When he claimed on why businesses and how we have done in the authoring section, said, "we are the good guys.  We are to save the world for 0.25% assets plus postage and handling. "

I want to work with the good guys. This is my style, if I can achieve.  Many are clearly out for personal enrichment, leaving aside the failure/do good to others.

Roddy Boyd is a good.  If you read the stuff before in the newspapers/magazines in which he wrote, would benefit from the book of AIG.

This book has some real knowledge.  Focuses on the years in which AIG stopped a single insurer, and became a player on the financial markets.

That being said, contains new data on m. r. Greenberg, particularly with regard to the years of war.  I found it very insightful, and helped to understand why it was that it was not the boss. (I work at AIG 1989-1992).  It was a tough man both war and business.

Boyd interview as many as we talk with him and excluding material which should not be confirmed by both parties.  I thought that was a moral way to deal with information which has not yet publicly known.

The driving force behind the push to AIG financial services was the need for the income uncorrelated with the cycle insurance P and c.  That also resulted in derivatives, securities trading, aircraft leasing business and expansion of domestic life, with the purchase of SunAmerica and General American (two mistakes through overpayment, in my opinion, and I know that this undertaking).

This extension took toll on AIG and as this could not be deployed useful organic more 15%, began to borrow money, both explicitly and implicitly, in order to lever to fall ROA (return on assets) to 15% ROE (return on equity).

Greenberg oversaw the expansion in financial services, although not the shameless risk taking after he was kicked.  Also, the increasing debt implicit — most of which occurred on the clock.  But those who followed the case were equals.  That would not be able to manage what was unmanagable by lesser mortals.  Martin Sullivan should have broken the company one day. This was the failure of.  But anyone could manage Greenberg monstrosity.  If it had remained there, I suspect that the company would have blown up in 2010-2015, which is a lot less.  I think it was a mercy that he got kicked out.

When everything blew apart, nobody could catch the entire picture.  Greenberg had gone.  AIG was undermanaged.  Nobody knew the whole story, and all the associations for subprime lending: hinging direct lending through its consumer finance arm, investments in insurance companies, insurance subsidiaries through guarantees, mortgages, subprime collateralized by securities lending to companies with domestic lifeand guarantees to AIG financial products.

The diversification effort is ultimately an exercise in concentration.  Nothing grows on the sky.  Large companies tend to rot from the inside, and this was the case for the Greenberg, AIG or not.  I believe neither in Greenberg got game profits Wall Street, and eventually became too large for him.  Of course, was too big for his successors.

This was a great book.  I loved every minute reading this.  I could not put it.  Roddy is one of the "good guys" and for what is right.  But this is fair. don't take someone to work unless undeniable proof.  Therefore those who are suspect, but have no ironclad case against them stands, which is as it should be.

One more Note, this book had a really good balance in how we leave the main story to explain a concept, as well as the wider business world.  It is the main focus should be given to AIG and explains how it fit into the broader picture.


The book is not yet available.  I read an issue beforehand, and there were some minor errors that I expect that will eradicate when it goes to print.

Who will benefit from this Book:

Anyone who wants to learn more about AIG world benefit.  This is the best book yet AIG crisis.  Beyond this, readers who want to understand the complexity of the financial system, and how this led to the crisis will benefit, as AIG was a microcosm of the greater panic.

If you want to do, you can buy it here: fatal danger: A cautionary tale of AIG corporate suicide.

Full disclosure: this book was sent to me by the author, spam.

If you enter Amazon through my site, and you can buy anything, I get a small Commission.  This is the main source of income for my blog.  I prefer a "Tip jar" because I want to get anything you want, instead of simply gives me a tip.  Book reviews take time, particularly in reading, which most reviewers, not book fully, and usually do. (If not, mention that I scanned the book.  Also, never use the data we will send the PR flacks.)

Most people buy on Amazon does not enter through a Web page that contains references.  So Amazon creates an extra 1-3% on the prices to all buyers to compensate for supplies given to minority derived through referring sites.  If you can buy on Amazon directly or enter through my site, don't change your values.

Book reviews, security, structured products and derivatives ||

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zondag 24 april 2011

Published labor-quotient Deniability

Posted at: april 13, 2010 8: 16 AM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General I never bothered to read the political manifesto before today, but I suspect that could have fun with them. If you know someone who is likely to be economical with the truth, much to the amusement of the view that the way they have phrased their words to expand quotient Deniability (DQ) in an accusation of lying abroad.

DQ of manifesto labour is pretty high.

Do this from your post: page 11

"We will promote higher base and the new tax rate in the next Parliament, and we renew our pledge not to expand VAT [Sales] children's food, clothing, books, newspapers and public transport fare."

Gently does it sound great? The reader this is not the official translation is "no tax. If you believe that labour will be trusted and you may be entitled to interpretation that it does not say, but we can trust. Is not it?

Advisers and lawyers with many spin doctors enter data into the sentence.

Assumption is more true is that they cannot be trusted. A political animal after all and have to read through the eyes of the law. There is enough space around the weaseling that this reader is the perfect opposite of course.

The sentence is that?

-Percentage of the income tax does not change (e.g., 20%, 40%, 50%)

-Change, reducing the ceiling where more of them into effect.

-Capital gains tax increases

-Other taxes will go up.

-VAT rate increases

Notice that the sentence did not specifically refer to "tax" by issuing a "total revenue" is to suggest that all tax has been discussed, but that is not the case because it is the only income tax is "a higher base and on the" rate of duty all taxes other than income taxes and VAT is excluded from this sentence, which gives workers the necessary deniability.

I look forward to announce conservation

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zaterdag 23 april 2011

Policing the police

Posted at: june 29, 2009 8: 35 AM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: I in General is growing protests in London on April 1st I took this photo of their format, decent people ' that are attractive, should be able to maintain peace when we know that they are instead of beating people up and slapping the women because their disguises, I mention this now because I just saw the BBC story reports the MP said "the police must modify their behavior in the age where their action easily taken by the public. Translated, this means that if they cannot be photographed, you can do what they like-such as MPs and the expense of themselves. If nobody can see what they are up to, they should be expected to get to what they can keep.

It seems to me the old-fashioned police MPs everyone with positions of responsibility in public life should have personality and self control, within the letter and the law and there is a role model for all others, United Kingdom. Italy is not.


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vrijdag 22 april 2011

Members of the crack down on sovereign debt speculation and naked short selling

Members of the crack down on sovereign debt speculation and naked short selling by Sean Sprackling on Monday 07 Mar 2011 16: 08 GMT |  Permanent link |  Cosmos press release 07/03/11 by the Committee: economic and monetary AffairsA prohibition of certain industries in sovereign bonds and the requirement that traders offset their positions have been discovered at the end of each trading day was two important results of Monday's Economic Affairs Committee votes on a draft EU regulation on sale of cards and credit default swaps. MEPs also included a requirement that short sale transactions shall be reported less often, but beefed up rules to ensure that the penalties is dissuasive.Short sells ", was where speculators bet on a decline rather than an increase in the price of a security in order to make a profit, and credit default swaps", in essence, to insure a prime utevarodom on its debt obligations, both heavily involved in the recent EU sovereign debt crises.  This regulation, which steered through Parliament by Pascal Canfin (Greens/EFA, FR), takes a further step towards preventing speculation and improve transparency in the financial services sector.Position that the Committee would prevent anyone from taking part in the credit default swap (CDS) transactions if they don't already own sovereign debts linked to CDs ("naked" CDs trading), or securities whose price is heavily dependent on the country, such as shares in a larger company there.  This position is, therefore, not only by banning naked CDs trade, but also by introducing a correlation which would permit investment firms to manoeuvre.A day to solve the "naked" short sellingAlthough the position which the Committee do not prohibit completely "naked" short selling, indicates a very tight deadline to convert a naked short sale for a short sale.  At the end of the day someone naked short sales are carried out must have been converted, standing position.  A seller who fails to do the transformation in time would impose fines that the amended text States, "must be high enough to ban all profit."  The position adopted in the Committee retains its tough "to locate and reserve rule", where a seller must not only identify from where it plans to borrow shares in issue, but must also have a guarantee that it will actually be able to borrow them when the time comes. Position by the Committee puts additional requirements on investment firms, especially in exceptional circumstances.  It also allows national regulatory authorities to require lenders to notify them in exceptional situations. In an emergency situation, the national authorities also provide more information within 24 hours to the European Securities and markets authority (ESMA), when requested.On the other hand, the position which the Committee only requires investment firms to report on their short sales transactions at the end of the trading day, rather than to report any short sale event, proposed by the Commission. Investors would also need to provide the distribution agreement would require less information than the original Commission proposal.Members who primarily works with the management of the regulation by Parliament will now sit down with the Member States to Thrash out a component which can then be presented to the House to vote in the coming months.  The regulation is expected to be in force until 2012.

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Hopefully one of L to recover.

Posted at: november 1, 2008 1: 24 PM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General, just a few months ago I spoke at the meeting, Nouriel Roubini, talks about his views on the future of the world economy. He spoke about the U W a V shape recovery and horrible horrible version for recovery for L L is one in which there is no recovery at all. Japan, in early 1990 was held as a child poster, and the Japanese hope have not read this message. There is just about the worst thing that could happen to the country. Schedule of all costs, even if it means throwing money into the system (project help) or start another war (that is, my interpretation is he, I hasten to add!) I spoke after he and improvising said something like this ...

Experience of Japan in early 1990, well I have and it doesn't seem too bad to me. Ever have hordes of people thanbon tube is not that I recall it was dangerous to be roaming the streets for fear of being mugged was secure enough to know when I have no sickness and General desititution is not more of this for now.

Japan in the early 1990 's when it is safe, fun with a very high standard of living and medical technology is not hell hole that wisdom of Burma to paint, and therefore. I really can't imagine that Japan will be like now if they have recovered the V they all communicate by telepathy, and travel through matter transporter I guess.

I'm a big point about the economy is not that the book that best represents the and. No growth of the percentage After all, it really needs to grow at x percent per annum in order to maintain a sense of the status quo, as well as sharks, which have to move forward to maintain life, supposedly what sort of life. I believe the most important is the good guy and that GDP is not the same, however. Linked closely with the employment rate, and that Japan is not very good, which is what the Government should focus on the L to growth.

I am a simple man (now) make holidays in man and frequent thrift shops, for god's sake to grow rampant really does make me confess that I was kind of looking forward to the world with another bit of something beginning with L. but it looks like we are back on the treadmill back bumper bonuses and belief we just have missed the opportunity for the world (you. If we receive a fresh pair of maybe we should keep that second opportunity).


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donderdag 21 april 2011

Is the cultural contact points in the next ' too big to fail "

Is the cultural contact points in the next ' too big to fail "by Sean at TUE 29 Mar Sprackling 2011 16: 35 BST |  Permanent link |  Kosmos regulators have been working for months to "toxic" world of OTC derivative instruments are kept in check box, and the systemic risk of bilateral trade and management of collateral shall be reduced by requiring (Dodd-Frank in the United States, EMIR in the UK) to standardised derivatives are cleared through the clearing house.

The question for me is if we not only concentrates the risk a little further down the food chain, and it seems I am not alone. Manmohan Singh, the IMF has produced a paper that says just that. Abstract says:

"...Recent regulatory efforts, particularly in the United States and Europe, is to reduce moral hazard so that the next financial crisis is not resolved by the taxpayers. This paper looks at the possibility of central counterparties (CCPs) can be too large-to-failure devices in the pipeline. Current regulatory and reforms cannot remove systemic risk from OTC derivatives but rather move them from banks to contact points. Under the current regulatory review, OTC derivatives markets could become more fragmented. In addition, another taxpayer bailout not exclude. Reexamination of the two most important issues of (a) the contact points, interoperability, and (ii) the cost of moving to the focal points of access to central bank financing, indicates that the proposed changes cannot provide
the best solution. The paper suggests that a tax on derivatives liabilities could make OTC derivatmarknaden safer, in particular in the transition to a stable clearing infrastructure. It is also proposed to review of "public utility" model for OTC market infrastructure ... "

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woensdag 20 april 2011

For men, Con, Advanced Edition

The core discipline of the investment value is simply not buy cheap, but safety margin.  Margin of safety means you won't lose too much if you're wrong, and to meet, make mistakes.  I do, you can do.  Standardised at the following two rules: 1 don't lose money). 2) To don't forget rule # 1.

My latest piece for men, I have come Con.  And even in my most recent piece, to avoid investment scams and bad advice, Web Edition, I come.  I mean come from those who do not come through a regular channel for investment.  These are people who are trying to attract those who want something off the beaten path, for high performance or high level of safety.

But not all men con come.  Some are regulars, with all the trappings of success — working for a company known.  They dress well, speaks well, and they are aware of the most important trends and concerns of investors.  Have seemingly well-designed financial plans of the firm production models.  The smart ways of helping you meet your income goals.  Everything about what it says, "we can assure the financial security for you."

Have interaction with some of these researchers (not yet ladies) in the Councils I have.  (Curiously, when I was a corporate and mortgage bonds manager, the people I interacted with were much less slick.  I think the bond market which tolerates people is more realistic than the purchase of shares.)  Usually must bite my tongue because they are front men.  Be aware of their limited bit fed by sales manager, but I really don't know much beyond that.

With the rare opportunity to speak and brinkmanship policy in the seller.  I try not to. The only do if they are (as I see it).  Usually, only trying to earn their bread, and there is nothing to learn from fools.  However, occasionally trying to lure users into investments that are not in their interest.

I have often said that the lure of free money that brings out the worst.  I believe that a key area that is the finding of the performance.  I say this clearly: Wall Street can provide you with any version you like, if you don't care about the preservation of principal.  Performance is the oldest scam in books.

Wall Street has a wide variety of products, performance and stress that now, because we are in an environment of low yield, and will bring more often as a result of these products.  One example that I spoke of before is structured notes.  I would like to talk about tonight is reverse convertibles.

An easy way to improve performance is to sell an option on your posts.  The problem with this is that the choice could come into money, and you suffer capital loss as a result, often exceed the extra income "Earned."

With CBS, you have the best of all worlds.  He has long been an option.  If things go well, it is convertible into stock.  If things go badly, you protect the downside of a bond (which can still be default, but hey, you are higher in the order of bankruptcy pecking.  Perhaps you have something?).  The cost of the best of all worlds is reduced performance than a nonconvertible will get to straight debt.

Reverse convertibles are the worst.  The holder is short an option.  When things go well, remains a bond.  If things go badly, converts in stock, usually priced delivering capital loss.  However, the graphic equalizer here is that if it continues to be a bond, you can get a high yield.

This is a big "If."  Almost all my advice is to avoid complex products.  If you can't get the performance you need through standard vanilla products that are transparent, then either your or reduce costs consume a small capital.  Wall Street and insurance companies thrive on complexity, because you cannot price or to make comparisons.  Play their rigged game. can you try to your skin, but simply to swim.  Nicking your means win, but you still play the game, so that they can swim your again.  It is like playing in a casino. the edge of the body is stable and will wipe that does not have an advantage (card counting in blackjack), but not so slowly and volatility, that players do not realize this.

Composite products are not created to do a favor, but you can cheat on average.  Think about it: If you are invited to participate in a game for money, as an amateur, you want to play against professionals?  I thought not.  But if you feel that way, because you have purchased products from Wall Street that they know much better than you?

This goes back to my rule: don't buy what others want to sell you. Buy what you personally have been investigated and want to buy.  But what if I do not understand enough to do anything with investment?  Then what?

Find your friend who knows the most about investing.  Ask him for his friend who knows more about investments.  Repeat a third time, if necessary, but it appears to someone who can give you intelligent impartial advice.  If all else fails, go to the front and take their advice.  They will not harm you, although it may not help a lot.

But be wary of those who offer easy solutions.  What is free is rarely cheap, as the Ferengi.  Get reliable intelligent third parties in order to see your investment and avoid slick salesmen with smart products that are difficult to understand.

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dinsdag 19 april 2011

Bloomberg facilitates implementation and Clearing of CDs and IRS E-Commerce

J.P. Morgan performs transactions with multiple companies on the appropriate platform

Bloomberg prepares for launch of Swap execution

NEW YORK--Bloomberg executives announced today that J.P. Morgan electronically executed and cleared credit default swap (CDs) and interest rate swap (IRS) employee on fixed-income electronic trading Bloombergs platform (FIT).

They show that fixed income firm Bloombergs preparing to the broad requirements of the Act on the Dodd-Frank requiring greater transparency and efficiency in the OVER-THE-COUNTER (OTC) derivatives trading on the market. Bloomberg plans to register with the u.s. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the u.s. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that a Swap execution Facility (SEF) and security-based Swap execution Facility (SBSEF), respectively.

Ben Macdonald, global head of fixed income activities, Bloombergs, said, "these lines represent the next generation of electronic trading and clearing. Today's execution, our ability to handle large volumes and our VCON voice confirmation platform, show Bloombergs capable of supplying the customers with all the options they need. " MacDonald added-with all of your fixed-income tools a single integrated system is useful and helps eliminate opportunities for risk.

"We found that Bloombergs customize platform is a great way for us to run and clear credit index trades," says Rob Milam, co-head of North American credit trading at J.P. Morgan. "We have been at the forefront of the electronic commerce since we first offered the CDs single dealer trading via JPTE in 2009".

Among the clients participating in the shops were: BlueMountain Capital Management, Claren Road Asset Management, Diamond notch Asset Management, Gracie credit facilities Fund and PAMLI Capital Management LLC.

Greg Pearson, Gracie credit opportunities Fund's financial Chief said "with changing OTC landscape, light navigate new work-flow is of utmost importance to our stakeholders. Gracie Credit working with Bloomberg and J.P. Morgan because they are the market leader in fixed-income electronic trading, which we consider to be an important new platform for running our investment strategy. "

Earlier this month, is FIT, finished more than Bloomberg 1 trillion $ in electronically traded IRS and CDs 2011, making it the market leader. Bloomberg clients have direct connection to CME Clearing, ice, the International Derivatives Clearing Group (IDCG) and LCH.Into Clearnet for voice executed transactions since 2009. Also, Bloomberg has now 23 liquidity providers actively for the IRS, emissions trading and 11 retailers live for CDs trade.

View the original article here

maandag 18 april 2011

Greed is good but envy is not valid.

Posted at: december 20, 2008 11: 41 PM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General, "greed is good Gordon Gecko said Ivan Boesky inspired the movie" Wall Street "and a human of course is one of the moving Prime behind many successful business with altruism, curiosity necessary, etc.

Greed is an absolute craving more common for the sake of it.

But "envy is so bad that people truly.

Envy is relatives and all nastier for it. It's about wanting your neighbour more than even the cost yourself.

There are too many to envy in the finance (no kidding, Paul look what depth) and this has led to a salary and consequence risk taking to the unspoken conspiracy in which executives encourage gambling by their traders so that they all receive the prize.

You know, even just group all payroll information by ten and bankers because envy is relative. No feelings hurt.

I really don't envy myself. See the blog of my cheese that I describe my retirement as cheese wine books (mostly fiction), Oh yes, and a swimming pool;-)


View the original article here

zondag 17 april 2011

Q&A with Roddy Boyd

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I don’t often do a Q&A with book authors, but I appreciated my dealings with Roddy Boyd, the author of Fatal Risk.  It’s official publication date is tomorrow, but it is now available at Amazon.  If you want to buy it, you can find it here: Fatal Risk: A Cautionary Tale of AIG’s Corporate Suicide.

Full disclosure: This book was sent to me by the author, unsolicited.

If you enter Amazon through my site, and you buy anything, I get a small commission.  This is my main source of blog revenue.  I prefer this to a “tip jar” because I want you to get something you want, rather than merely giving me a tip.  Book reviews take time, particularly with the reading, which most book reviewers don’t do in full, and I typically do. (When I don’t, I mention that I scanned the book.  Also, I never use the data that the PR flacks send out.)

Most people buying at Amazon do not enter via a referring website.  Thus Amazon builds an extra 1-3% into the prices to all buyers to compensate for the commissions given to the minority that come through referring sites.  Whether you buy at Amazon directly or enter via my site, your prices don’t change.


1) What impressed you most about your interview(s) with M. R. Greenberg?

To begin, his utter and consuming passion for AIG. He does not distinguish between AIG and himself, at least in any appreciable sense. What happened to AIG thus happened to him and vice versa. He will never forget anything and he will never forgive anything. Nor, for that matter, will he concede very much. The other issue is that per David Schiff’s observation, Greenberg never stops, he is “Always running.” Since his obsession is work, then everything else in his life can be elegantly understood: The foreign policy stuff, bringing his sons into the business, the travel schedule of a foreign diplomat, the boards and foundations. Since AIG was everywhere and doing everything so was Greenberg.

2) If you could have gotten others to talk with you, who would they be, and what questions would you want them to answer?

It’s a tie between Win Neuger and Martin Sullivan. I’d want to ask Sullivan if he really saw events per his Congressional testimony on the fall of 2008, where he laid much blame for the collapse at the feet of mark-to-market accounting. This is akin to Morgan Stanley’s John Mack complaining about short-sellers at the same time–a complete abdication of all intellectual responsibility. I’m guessing Sullivan has a lot more to say than just stuff about accounting. Regardless, no one at AIG had much to say about mark-to-market accounting in 2005-2007, when they had billions of dollars in unrealized gains from their sundry portfolios.

With Neuger, I would want to start at the very beginning of the expansion of the securities lending portfolio, which tracks to around the very minute of Greenberg’s departure. It’s easy to take shots after a crash but I wouldn’t do that; I’d want to know how he thought AIG was going to have a different end than the number of other securities lending portfolios that extended duration during low rate cycles and modest volatility. I’d also want to know when HE realized there was trouble, that you can’t always unload $150 million worth of mortgage-credit paper on the bid side. That conversation might get interesting.

3) AIG Financial Products had three eras, with three different managements, strategies, and interactions with AIG parent company.  Why wasn’t AIG able to manage AIGFP to keep it sound?

In a word: competition. In 1987 the only limits to what FP could do was what they could dream up. They dominated the landscape with a virtual monopoly. Come 1996, every I-bank and commercial bank was in rate swaps in a big way and, in the case of Gen Re and Credit Suisse, had their own Financial Product units seeking to do “bespoke” transactions. By 1999, Goldman was actively leveraging its corporate finance relationships to do custom transactions. Hedge funds, by the early parts of last decade, are competing with them on the asset finance side and on every sort of complex short-term trade FP entered, they were competing against the prop desks of Goldman, Merrill, J.P.Morgan and the like.

There is also the intellectual drift common to every enterprise. A founder comes in and designs a business in a certain fashion; By the second or third generation of management, it’s highly unusual to have the same rigid adherence to the founder’s goals. For an (extreme) example, look at the Ford Foundation and its role within the Liberal firmament and then look at who Henry Ford was. The divergence of mission usually occurs obliquely. For instance, Joe Cassano would have looked askance at a speculative bet directly on the mortgage market via Freddie or Fannie passthroughs. Instead, FP wound up long the mortgage market via writing insurance coverage they were told would never be impaired.

4) Are there any areas/subsidiaries inside AIG that you would want to look more closely at after writing Fatal Risk?

Not really.

5) What do you think the last moment was that AIG still had control of its own destiny was?

Maybe late 2006 or early 2007. Assuming some visionary philosopher King rode in with a mandate to hedge all risk, with total operational control and the budget to see it through, they would have had the ability to go out and buy a fair amount of coverage in the ABX indices for FP (and maybe structure some custom swap with a large bank) and begin an immediate “run-off” at the Securities Lending portfolio. It would have cost them billions of dollars and they still would have taken some bitter losses in the autumn of 2008. Still, I can see a $10 billion “investment” across FP and Securities Lending going a long way to preserving autonomy. It should be noted that I asked this question at every interview and no one said anything like it was even considered. FP executives say they never considered buying CDS on the CDS they were writing since it would have completely eliminated the “profits” from premiums. Go figure.

6) What would it have taken for AIG to be properly managed after Greenberg’s departure?

There was a massive gap in the knowledge base of the men who stepped in after the departure of Greenberg, Ed Matthews and Howie Smith; Martin Sullivan and (CFO) Steve Bensinger knew enough to run AIG in a bull-market. Their greatest weakness was in not having a suitable understanding of the downstream, or long tail, risk of derivatives, particularly in the reference securities. They were almost childlike in their trust in systems and processes: If PWC or a big law firm looked at something, that was good enough. The problem was that it isn’t. This isn’t to indict them: A guy like Steve Bensinger was a solid Treasurer but the CFO job at AIG required the ability to be an accounting whiz plus having equals parts risk guru and legal eagle–I’m thinking of a David Viniar sort–and he wasn’t any of those things.

Part of this problem has to do with the fact Greenberg/Matthews/Smith had seemingly been there forever and so a bright, truly talented next generation CFO or COO never bloomed. How could it have? Any ambitious 40 something would conclude that the AIG executive suites were permanently closed. So there was no backbench to hand and as I explain in the book, a post-Greenberg transition plan was not something Hank thought much of as a concept. Practically speaking, Sullivan was never remotely suited for the role since he had zero financial management experience. Moreover, his trusting, amiable disposition insured that when his former peers like Joe Cassano ran into hot water, he didn’t have a skeptical or questioning bone in his body. That’s a big risk to run when you have a Financial Services unit embedded in your company that is larger than Lehman Brothers and many times as complex. Greenberg, on the other hand, had little fear of conflict and had a track record of asserting himself over his trading desks.

7) Did AIG management err in moving so aggressively into areas that exposed them to the credit cycle and equity markets?  Do you think Greenberg could have been happy running a smaller insurance enterprise that would have a hard time growing profitably with moderate risk?

Part one: That’s the core challenge of AIG’s entrance into “The Kingdom of Money” as I put it. As conceived, its financial units were never supposed to have this risk; that was what the asset management units were for. Per question #3 however, FP inevitably had its advantages competed away and was forced to seek profits in areas that had long been frowned upon, like getting long fixed income risk.

Part two: No. Handsome and steady profits were attractive to Greenberg but growing them were what he was all about.

8 ) What were the shortcomings from Greenberg being an autocrat at AIG, even if he was one of the most talented CEOs ever?

In AIG under Greenberg the single-minded focus on profits, new opportunities and growth that he instilled obviously facilitated a period of expansion and wealth creation that has a bare handful of rivals in history. However, given time and the law of averages, profit opportunities began to fade (the returns on assets tell this story) so they had to go farther out on the risk curve to sustain income growth. There is the same end to this story every time. Secondly, autocratic organizations tend to have weak leadership benches. At the unit level, AIG was shot through with talented people from top to bottom. The person who could run the company post-Greenberg, however, arguably didn’t exist at the company. For a talented executive, in retrospect, AIG was a company that you either came to understand that you were never going to go any farther than where Greenberg saw you going or you left. A lot of people chose the latter but over time, many of them “went along,” and didn’t speak up at key junctures. For instance, in the securities lending debacle, the global investment unit’s senior leadership seemed fine with things but it was a pair of rank-and-file portfolio managers, Mike Rieger and another guy, who spoke up. They were roundly ignored.

9) What aspects of AIG’s culture overall helped lead to the eventual failure?

A problematic trust in process over actual insight and investigation. Time after time, “A law firm signed off on it” was considered actual risk management; it’s not. There was also just abysmal risk management, not only in the obvious things like writing $73 billion of super-senior CDO tranche protection and the Securities Lending debacle, but in the minutiae. It appears no one even looked at the credit support annexes, which were standard in all swaps. Moreover, FPs valuation systems were completely inadequate in getting real market prices for the underlying CDOs. There is an element of the “The Wizard of Oz” to AIG–”So that’s what is behind the curtain?”

10) Do you think AIG got sloppy in the early 2000s as business got more complex, and the need to meet earnings estimates grew more difficult?  (Gen Re, PNC, Brightpoint, etc.)

Yes. They were all very different transactions but yes. Gen Re should have been caught by a mid-level risk analyst or lawyer in the general counsel’s office around the second week it was under construction. Brightpoint and PNC were separate but had at their core the manipulation of earnings. The odd thing is that the PNC transactions had been done several times in Japan with the same ill intent and were thoroughly blessed by regulators there, who were apparently happy to do anything to suggest that the nightmarish balance sheets of Japanese banks were improving. They had not a concern in the world that the deals were totally abusive to the investor.

11) At the end, AIG had subprime risk in their life insurers (through securities lending), mortgage insurers, at American General Finance, and at AIGFP.  Was it a mere coincidence that they had it everywhere?

No. AIG was a corporation whose ethos was a ceaseless hunt for earnings. When you are a AAA, or AA+ and fund at Fannie/Freddie levels, the carry trade is a very obvious place to capture some seemingly risk free spread. Given that AIG’s risk management was highly passive–relying on what others said about risk (as opposed to doing their own work)–trusting the rating agencies to get it right came easy. What was interesting is that Securities Lending and the mortgage insurance company continued to add exposure months after the market started to turn but American General Finance and FP examined the market in-depth, had a heart attack and immediately ceased those lines of business. The best thing? No one said a word to each other. AIG, in this sense, resembles a large and dysfunctional family, where no one shared anything with anyone, even Mom and Dad. Under Greenberg, big decisions like that invariably resulted in long, detailed phone calls where the decision was hashed out with Greenberg and Matthews. They would abide the decision but would want to know every reason why it was made.

12) Did it ever dawn on anyone at AIGFP that they were the big patsies insuring subprime securitizations prior to them stopping the practice in entire in 2005?  Or that the Street were patsies for relying on one insurer? (Forget that the US bailed them out in the bailout of AIG.)

Not as laid out in your question, no. An FP executive named Gene Park has become a minor celebrity because of media accounts that have him as a “Voice in the Wilderness,” decrying abusively structured mortgage credit. Park certainly hated the sector and let it be known but his effect was limited in that Cassano disliked him with varying degrees of intensity. A guy named Andrew Forster, who ran the asset-finance group out of London and had ultimate authority over the swaps, was much more methodical and cautious. Park certainly communicated his dislike to him but Forster took months to flesh out his concerns. It doesn’t appear that the concerns over the swaps were ever put in terms of systemic risk but rather as just something that had higher than expected likelihood of default. It is difficult to overemphasize how incurious many at FP were.

13) What area in the AIG parent failed to note that AIGFP could call upon resources inside AIG upon downgrades, forcing a posting of collateral?  Treasury? CFO?  That had to be signed off on by someone at the AIG parent, no?

Every area. No one really looked at the absolute risk levels of the insurance FP was writing, no one looked at the CSAs, there were no autonomous risk procedures for determining valuations, no one modeled corporate cash flows in the event these swaps became a problem and it goes on. In July of 2007, when there was the first collateral demand from Goldman, much of the senior management of AIG was unaware this product line existed. That’s a problem.

14) Tim Geithner was supposed to be the Fed’s point man on derivatives.  How could he miss something this large? How do you think derivatives should be regulated?

Let me combine these two questions. Geithner missed it because he didn’t know enough to look for it, but I interviewed a number of senior Fed officials who had not missed AIG’s rapid balance sheet expansion, the leverage of the banks and brokers to each other and, ultimately, everyone to structured products. Their response was that the Fed (in New York) only analyzed bank holding companies, or the entities that owned the big banks. They fully acknowledged the financial filth going on but said it was at the operating units, where they had no ability to do anything. That was the purview of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, another federal regulator with minimal funding and difficulty retraining an experienced analyst corps. I’ll bet you can figure out how it went from there.

The only regulation that really, truly, deeply matters in pondering the credit crisis is the repeal of Glass-Steagall. Once banks were able to throw themselves and their funding capacities into market-making and underwriting full bore, nightmares could only result. To that end, the only regulation that matters in reframing a regulatory apparatus is the reimposition of Glass-Steagall in some form or shape. Commercial banks, all joking aside, have usually been pretty good at making loan decisions; conversely, when investment banks dominated the marketplace, risk was a function of how much capital a firm was willing to lose at one time. For all the mania’s and fads that come and go in the markets, from the mid 1930s onward, Wall Street did a decent job of keeping its insanities form effecting the economy too much.

It would be optimal if we got back to that.


Many thanks to Roddy Boyd for the answers.  He want above and beyond again.

Accounting, Bonds, Book reviews, Insurance, Macroeconomics, Structured Products and Derivatives, public policy | | | Trackback |

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zaterdag 16 april 2011

CME Clearing Europe announces the launch of European clearing services

First products is energy, rapeseed oil and freight

LONDON, March 15, 2011/PRNewswire/--CME Clearing Europe, a wholly-owned London-based subsidiary of CME Group, announced today that it will begin to Clear more than 150 over the counter (OTC) energy and commodities derivatives begins Friday, may 6.

-Start clearing at CME Clearing Europe time in light of the need for improved risk management in commodity markets and imminent legal changes required of OTC derivatives, says Andrew Lamb, Chief Executive Officer of CME Clearing Europe.  "First our product expansion will focus on commodity products – energy, metals and agriculture – we aim to introduce clearing for OTC financial derivatives, beginning with interest rate swaps, in parallel with the deepening of commodity clearance. Our goal is to offer a complete multi asset OTC Clearing service, based on the CME Group's clearing experience as well as its established and growing European presence. "

Fifteen international financial organisations on its way to becoming the first clearing members, including Bache commodities Limited, BHF-Bank AG, BNP Paribas Commodity Futures Limited, Citigroup global markets Limited, Deutsche Bank AG, INTL global currencies Limited, HSBC Bank PLC, MFGlobal UK Limited, Newedge Group (UK branch), the Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, State Street Bank GmbH and UBS Limited. In addition, Citibank with Barclays Bank PLC and J.P. Morgan as settlement banks to CME Clearing Europe and its members in a clearing.

As part of its inception, CME Clearing Europe will clean up eight OTC contracts based on Dubai Mercantile Exchange (DME) Oman crude oil futures contract will continue to be available for clearing through CME Clearing. CME Clearing Europe begins also deselect a OTC derivatives contracts to be fully collateralised based on rapeseed oil prices.  Rapeseed oil is used for food and non-food purposes (e.g., cosmetics) and for the production of biodiesel fuels. Rapeseed contract is an extension of the CME Group's European product offering, which go beyond the existing product range that is specified for a clearing in the United States and will be followed by further regionally specific products.

CME Clearing Europe was approved by a recognized Clearing House (RCH) of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the United Kingdom in December 2010. CME Clearing Europe separately, apply to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to become a registered derivatives Clearing organization (DCO).

About CME Clearing Europe

CME Clearing Europe (, a wholly owned subsidiary of CME Group has been established in London in order to offer services as a multi-product clearing organization that focused on non-US customers. CME Clearing Europe will provide world class clearing for a broad base of customers, based on the European presence to extend the geographical scope of CME Group's clearing services.  CME Clearing Europe will guarantee stability and greater transparency in the markets cleared, helps reduce and contain systemic risk.

About CME Group

As the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, CME Group ( was world will manage risk.  CME Group exchanges offer the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes, including futures and options based on interest rates, equity indexes, foreign exchange, energy, agricultural commodities, metals, weather and real estate.  CME Group brings buyers and sellers through its CME Globex ® platform for electronic commerce and its trading facilities in New York and Chicago.  CME Group also operates CME Clearing, one of the world's leading central counterparty Clearing providers offering clearing and settlement services for traded and OTC derivatives transactions through CME ClearPort ®.  Ensure that businesses everywhere can significantly reduce counterparty credit risk in both listed and over-the-counter derivatives markets these products and services.

Globe logo, CME, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, CME Group, Globex, E-mini and CME ClearPort are trademarks of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.  CBOT and the Chicago Board of Trade are trademarks of the Board of Trade of city of Chicago.  NYMEX and the New York Mercantile Exchange are trademarks of the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc.  COMEX is a trademark of commodity Exchange, Inc.  All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.  More information on CME Group (Nasdaq: CME) and its products can be found at


CME source group

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vrijdag 15 april 2011

Spanish Exchange Tiodagars MEFF launches new CCP for OTC derivatives Elecricity

PRESS RELEASE-02 March 2011

MEFF Power will start operations on 21 March

MEFF launches a new service Central counterparty (CCP) OTC-traded electricity derivatives

A response to demand from operators in this marketDerivative electricity market has doubled its size every year since 2006This initiative is part of the Tiodagarss policy of diversification and innovation

MEFF Power, MEFFS new service for the electricity market, starting on 21 March offering Central counterparty (CCP) services for energy OTC derivatives and thereby improve the liquidity and transparency in the electricity market and contribute to increased control over OTC activities. This measure has been requested by various devices to reduce systemic risk and enhance confidence.

Decommissioning and management of risks and margins for electricity, the future will be implemented within the current CCP MEFFS, through the creation of an energy-segment called MEFF power.

This project falls under the Tiodagarss strategy to diversify and provide new services to business and economic community, mobilising its proven and universally recognized experience to initiate and develop markets, settlement system and CCP services.

MEFF has engaged in a broad range of services to the risk that sector electricity companies since 2006, and has been head of virtual power plant auctions. As a result of their participation in these areas, it became aware of the considerable demand from Spanish electricity market participants CCP services for the OTC market, which doubled almost every year since 2006, now exceeds the actual electricity consumption for the first time.

MEFF Power service was made possible by the recent approval of Decree 1282/2010 of 15 October, which regulates the official secondary markets for futures and options and other financial and derivatives, as well as the CNMV approval of the new regulation on MEFF, which increased the range of products for which the MEFF can offer CCP or trade in services.

Futures and SWAps in the electricity can be made on the registry of the CCP system.

All electricity market participants, securities companies and financial intermediaries can become members of the MEFF power. There are currently 10 participants in Spanish el who have joined as members of the MEFF Power, and another 8 are joining before 21 March. Current members of the MEFF who want to operate in this segment may do so without the need to protect any additional license.

Trade with contracts for electricity occurs mainly via specialist brokers. ICAP Energy AS, Tullett Prebon and CIMD has agreed with MEFF to act as OTC brokers in MEFF power. GFI is about to join.

The contracts are traded will be reported to the MEFF, who will act as counterparty for both buyer and seller, and guarantee that the transactions have been completed, perform the registration, clearing and settlement of transactions. Settlement and risk and margin management of these products will be carried out using internationally recognized systems of MEFF's CCP.

MEFFS new service is provided to a market with significant increased and with room for significant growth, according to peer markets, where the cultural contact points for electricity, clear a volume that is two to five times the consumption.

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donderdag 14 april 2011

Book review: the last of the rich Imperial

This is a great book for those who love the history of the economy, as I do.  Describes the fortunes of the clan Lehman, Jews, having emigrated from Germany in pre-war Montgomery, Alabama, and later New York City, and what they did as a commodity trading firm to venture capital and investment banking.

As a family business, lasted for three or four generations.  There was less than a generation as a private company outside of family control.  Stagnation, and must allow for liquidity which led to the need for a broader capital base, which led to the sale, American Express.

The Title comes from the life of Bobbie Lehman, who was the last family member to lead the company, which as a donor, had achieved such a position that is fear in the hearts of those who would speak, although he was a gentleman of the many concerns and a patron of the Arts in high degree.

History is Messy

How three immigrant brothers managed to create an a, especially with the original leader dying prematurely?  Hard work. situated in the correct position on the right times.  Their family structures held together quite well with increasing wealth, at least until the third generation.

Be realistic, and sometimes cut to their authorities.  There is some evidence that brother bought at least one slave.

Goods are traded in was hot demand.  He constructed a large enterprise.  That had a presence in both areas for agricultural commodities, and financial capital, the city of New York, was an ideal project to have information on both sides of the market supply and demand.

However, the messiness of history is what makes this an interesting history and says the author.


It is a really good book.  I think it is best to combined with a colossal failure of common sense: the inside story of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, because it says the end of the story better.  But the beginning of the story is rich, and had done a few alternative decisions, Lehman might not have failed.

Who will benefit from this Book:

I think most investors could benefit from the book, mainly because I believe that the economic history is valuable.  History does not repeat, but it rhymes lyrics, and this gives us more than a few new poems to examine.

If you want to do, you can buy it here: the last of the rich Imperial: Lehman Brothers, 1844-2008.

Full disclosure: this book was sent to me and I do not think I asked for this.  I am, but they sent.

If you enter Amazon through my site, and you can buy anything, I get a small Commission.  This is the main source of income for my blog.  I prefer a "Tip jar" because I want to get anything you want, instead of simply gives me a tip.  Book reviews take time, particularly in reading, which most reviewers, not book fully, and usually do. (If not, mention that I scanned the book.  Also, never use the data we will send the PR flacks.)

Most people buy on Amazon does not enter through a Web page that contains references.  So Amazon creates an extra 1-3% on the prices to all buyers to compensate for supplies given to minority derived through referring sites.  If you can buy on Amazon directly or enter through my site, don't change your values.

Book reviews, macroeconomics, derivatives and structured products ||

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woensdag 13 april 2011

Eurex Clearing is preparing for upcoming legislative reforms by extending their services to interest rate and equity swaps

Eurex Clearing is preparing for upcoming legislative reforms by extending their services to the interest rate and equity swaps by Sean Sprackling on Thu Mar 17 07: 55 GMT 2011 |  Permanent link |  Cosmos new services focusing on risk management and safety of OTC derivatives/client asset protection solution that will be launched in the second quarter of 2011
Frankfurt/Main, Boca Raton-Eurex Clearing, Europe's leading clearinghouse, announced today that it plans to expand its Eurex OTC clear service OTC trading of interest rate and equity derivatives. The new services will be introduced within the framework of the forthcoming legislative reforms that are expected to require mandatory clearing for standardised OTC derivatives in the United States and Europe.

Currently, Eurex's OTC ready service includes OTC trading Eurex look-alike futures and options on shares and interest as well as Eurex credit clear, a clearing service for OVER-THE-COUNTER credit default swaps. 2010 Processed Eurex Clearing 541 million contracts in OTC trading products.

-Expansion of our product coverage is an important part of our strategic agenda that enables our customers to prepare for the new legislation ", said Thomas book, Eurex Clearing is responsible for Eurex Executive Board member. "We are giving you all clearing services in the relevant asset classes our clearing members and buy-side clients to meet the new requirements in the most efficient and effective way."

In addition to the expansion of the service, Eurex OTC Clearing Eurex clearly encompasses strategic agenda two further major initiatives with a focus on risk management and safety of OTC derivatives. First Eurex Clearing will introduce a new service that the client asset protection for its exchange traded and OTC markets, which will begin in the second quarter of 2011 in close coordination with market participants. Service Client asset protection will provide full protection for client assets within Microsoft and allow immediate transferability of positions and assets in case of clearing member default. Secondly, Eurex Clearing plans to introduce a new method to the risk of Microsoft, which will be the portfolio-based rather than instrument focused in many current CCP risk management approaches. The new method as a portfolio-based risk can overbars likvidavräkning between Eurex Exchange traded derivatives and OTC interest rate swaps and equity derivatives (except CDs) provides buy-side and sell-side firms large margin and collateral efficiencies.

"Our goal is to be the industry leader in standards for risk. The new risk management approach will contribute to the safety of the derivative market while delivering capital efficiencies to our clients by providing offsets in particular between Eurex Exchange traded derivatives and OTC traded derivative financial instruments, "explained the book.

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dinsdag 12 april 2011

Numerix launches LiquidAsset product for pricing of OTC derivatives

05 April 2010 09: 14 PM Eastern Daylight time, a new solution built on Numerix CrossAsset for pricing and risk of commonly traded OTC derivatives

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Numerix (, the leading provider of cross-supply analytics for derivative valuations and risk management today announced the launch of their product-Numerix LiquidAsset-for pricing, OTC derivatives and exchange traded offers. Built on the Numerixs market leading CrossAsset analytics, is LiquidAsset a function based Excel solution for valuation of the most common OVER-THE-COUNTER derivatives trade types.

-Launch of LiquidAsset represents the culmination of both time and intellectual capital has invested in extensive Numerix product to cover "vanillas"

Focus on user experience, gives the product a Numerix LiquidAsset intuitive interface that utilizes the power of CrossAsset in price common Numerix stores quickly and accurately. These types of transactions are new and different pricing challenges, such as bid-ask spread is orders of magnitude smaller than its exotic counterparts. With Numerix LiquidAsset, users can take advantage of immediate built-in very conventions which are pre-packaged for pricing and trading in all major currencies and their markets globally.

Numerix LiquidAsset function browser lets users easily add pricing functions in a spreadsheet. calculate the exits from the user who inputs and create a blotter where they can aggregate multiple transactions based on the selected feature. Each pricing function is well documented that contains information about each type of trade, pricing method, required inputs and also contains information about all the exits for the mark to market (MTM), Greeks and other measures and cash flow reports.

"LiquidAsset presents Numerix with the ideal opportunity to access a larger share of the market pricing of OTC derivatives and further secure his foot as the world's premier pricing analytics vendor," said Numerix CEO and COO, Steven r. O'Hanlon. "The launch of LiquidAsset represents the culmination of both time and intellectual capital has invested in extensive Numerix product to cover" vanillas "— or commonly traded illiquid instruments. We are happy to offer our customers this enhanced pricing capabilities. "

"The banana industry is taking the continuing drive for standardisation and transparency is expected to compress margins. Therefore a cost-effective infrastructure that makes it possible for end users the ability to quickly and intuitively price the most traded derivative becomes critical. In addition to the user who runs the more standardized trading, an improved user friendliness also improves productivity and reduces operational risk, particularly where pricing dense, more liquid offerings, "says Dr. Mayiz Habbal, Senior Vice President of Celent.

Numerix LiquidAsset key features and benefits include:

Intuitive user interface designed specifically for market practitioners. "Embedded" in the box candid conventions packaged for different jurisdictions. Instruments that support the most commonly traded OTC derivatives, fixed income, equity, FX, credit and raw materials. Easily create trade blotters to aggregate P + L, Delta (neutral) and Theta to trade. Take advantage of faster calculations for daily MTM, Greeks, and cash flows. Calculate the first for the risk of all professions that data on the participation of all common hedge ratios offers. Fine grained risk reports for all functions. Easily create discounting curves from market data. Comprehensive documentation for all types of trafficking-including trade name and the model. Consistent analytics is used for all OTC derivatives across asset classes.

Numerix LiquidAsset is immediately available. All Numerix features are available through Microsoft ® Excel ® that an add-in or can be integrated in the pharmaceutical or third parties using Numerix Bloomberg Edition (NGE), Numerix CrossAsset SDK in c #, C++ or Java. For more information on Numerix LiquidAsset or our flagship CrossAsset product contact Numerix Numerix sales:

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maandag 11 april 2011


Posted at: October 19, 2010 8: 56 AM | Posted By: Paul Wilmott.
Related categories: General Cyberterrorism in the news, so I thought I would share this little story with you.

One year or two ago I was at dinner and good. I that is broadly maba we chatted about the threat the world: a terrorism (I say may be worse if terrorists have any imagination); (there will be another crisis unless the Government bite the bullet and easier); virus/(one is big in the end, but not for a while); etc I themes are village Global everything that is linked. No more survival of the fittest, since affect creatures one etc I Chase global warming on the grounds that there are many threats to the very short timescales. I also threw in the instructions field left some world where half the population, uses all income of diapers on health when poor results in genetic testing.

And I have discussed this many people downplay cyberterrorism. through firewall, encryption, etc. and say the Government has a better way of causing trouble, but this underestimates the role of humans in the firewall settings such as encryption, etc., and ignoring the role of the lone hacker grudge or mental problems. There is no need to any Government grants project.

Maba said not suffering He gave the example of the unfortunate "If the flight computer into my air ticket may be more easily printed how old-fashioned. He said: I asked whether he would really feel safe to fly when the plane went down. He there staring at me a few seconds with a look of confusion on his face. He opened the man next to him, and did not speak to me for the rest of dining.


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zondag 10 april 2011

Traiana harmony for CFD equity swaps to buy-side

new york/London, announced March 8, 2011-Traiana, the leading provider of post-trade solutions today that it has extended harmony contracts for difference (CFD) equity swap network companies that buy-side. A growing group of the world's leading companies that buy-side is now connected to harmony for full CFD equity swap post-trade automation.

Harmony is already the largest CFD equity swap network in the world, and is used by 12 of the world's largest equity swap counterparties and over 60 executing brokers. Along with these sales-side banks, all of which are counterparties to best buy-side firms, automates the entire harmony now CFD equity swap lifecycle including trade give-ups, client-to-broker distribution and client-to-bank swap confirmation processes. It provides a comprehensive client service solution for banks to extend their customers, improve service and reduce costs, complexity and operational risk.

Roy Saadon, founder and Director of Harmony, Traiana, said: "already in the network, with over asset capabilities, global reach and a proven solution. That's why leading buy and sell-side firms choose harmony for their strategic post-trade CFD shares need. We are grateful for the partnership between these sell-and buy-side firms to develop and increase our network, and is excited about the pace of its growth. "

With the addition of CFD equity swap capacity is harmony now buy-side and their banks a cross assets post-trade solution for FX and FX derivatives, exchange traded derivative, CFD equity swaps and liquid shares, including messages about trade, affirmations, give-ups, assignments, and confirmations.

Traiana harmony network continues to grow in services and reach, now linking more than 500 global companies including major banks, Prime brokers, buy-side firms, commercial sites and technology partners. With a connection to the network, are companies that are connected to all their commercial relations, significantly reduce complexity, increase efficiency and reduce costs.


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